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"So why do you live in your parents basement?"
"Affording anything else just isn't happening."

So, Facebook (aka. Meta) is moving to the fediverse, which is going to backfire horrifically. One side of the fediverse is going to block them entirely, and I know full well that this side is going to just spam them with "cute and funny" and other ~advertiser unfriendly~ content that it's going to fail horrifically.

Do I want Meta to succeed? No.
Do I want them to try only for it to fail horrendously? Absolutely.

Annoying lefty fedi: be better, you're a white male! Do better!
Me: I will be worse and it's all your fault.

Feminists created this monster and now they are being devoured by their own creation

@synapsid Working class: please help us!
Republicans: No
Democrats: No 💙 🏳️‍🌈 @LouisConde

"Blake do you stand with the people who make you look like a degenerate effeminate child rapist or the fascists?"
Well, uhm, yeah, it's just that fascism is the option that doesn't make me want to stab my eyes out

"It's being a decent person."
No, that's not how opinions and stances work. As soon as you have agreed, disagreed, smiled, frowned, or said anything other than a carefully worded neutral response. You have declared a position. In most circumstances that it something I am simply not comfortable doing.

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@HiroProtagonist Reminder that he was a fucking brilliant mathematician which makes citing his works rather awkward. @Moon

>tfw working bonus saturday shift
>caller asks "do you support Ukraine"
>know that if I say "no" I'm fucked.
>"Apologies, but I'm prohibited from sharing my political opinions or expressing a political stance during work hours."
>"It's just whether you're a decent person."
>"No, it is a breach of contract. Moving on."

A nonexhaustive list of fucking stupid content warnings I've seen for fanfics:

- white passing character of colour
- mentions of Russia and/or Russians
- graphic depictions of capitalism
- Josh Whedon
- alcoholism, but like, ironically

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.