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Women will belittle men's issues and men's suffering all the time but act like any man who makes the slightest joke about women's issues is literally the devil.

Sorry, but unless you're willing to shine a light on how men are treated like garbage, I'm not exactly going to rush to fuel your princess complex.

@nosleep I walked past a really fucking stoned guy at a gas station and I hear "you're all very lovely but only one of you can come home with me" I turn around and the dude is baked as a cake and smooth talking bags of chips.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie I mean, girl scouts is pretty sketchy when she puts it that way.

@boburtle @mushroom_soup
>will never be able to afford a house
>cost of living is higher
>earning less than our parents adjusted for inflation
>society is weighted against you, jobs and universities use applications based on how much you're not a white man
>you're disposable and only useful based on how much money you bring in
"Why do white men only want to smoke weed and play video games?"
It's a battle we've looked at, decided we can't win, and said "fuck it, let's go home, smoke a bowl, and watch anime."

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.