
FOSS mobile OS PostmarketOS has been updated to version 24.06. This update brings newer versions of Plasma, Phosh, SXMO, and Gnome, adds the ability for for initramfs to export logs on boot failure, removed hardcoded dependency on PulseAudio in UI packages, updates to kernels and more. If you're to get rid of Android and run something closer to pure Linux this may be worth a look for you. It is also a great option if you have a Pine64 device such as the Pinephone, Pinebook Pro or RockPro 64. PostmarketOS is based off of Alpine, uses BusyBox for the init system and ext4 for the file system.

The main PostmarketOS site is here:

Release notes can be found here:

The source code can be found on Gitlab:

PostmarketOS has a presense on Mastodon; Lemmy as well as Matrix.

If you want to donate to help the project you can do so through Open Collective or support several developers directly on Liberapay.

I thought that it used systemd now, was it a belated April fool?

@deedend @publiclewdness @postmarketOS systemd is not something you implement in just a day, we're still hard at work with that. We're currently targeting v24.12 for the first release with systemd included.

And even then it'll be optional, people can still choose to use OpenRC.

@deedend @publiclewdness @postmarketOS Busybox init is used to start OpenRC yes. There is a difference between the service manager (OpenRC and systemd) vs the init (Busybox and systemd). It just so happens that systemd does both, where OpenRC needs something separate.

Not entirely true, there is an OpenRC init as well, but we don't use it.


@bart @postmarketOS

Yeah I had gotten the init bit from Distrowatch.

Glad that SystemD will be optional as not forcing it is one of the things that drew me to PostmarketOS.

@publiclewdness tried gnome mobile shell and phosh edge postmarket os, still with issues experienced pureos with gnome 38 still in some ways works more completely (while significantly slower). e.g. postmarket os with phosh didnt mount my sdcard properly that is encrypted, with gnome mobile unlock after sleep doesnt work requiring reboot

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