
This week's donation went to the Devuan project. It's a Linux distro based off Debian which not only doesn't use SystemD but during install gives the user a choice between SysVinit, Runnit, and OpenRC. If you use the netinstaller option you also get a choice of desktop environments during install including XFCE, Cinnamon, Gnome, KDE, LXDE, LXQT and Mate. It can also easily be used with the libre kernel if one wanted to if you follow the instructions at FSFLA. It uses the Ext file system by default. The latest release is called Daedalus which is based off Debian 12 but you can install Excalibur which is based off Debian testing if one needed newer packages. Overall it is a great option if one wants a distro giving them more freedom of choice during install.

The project's main website is here:

The project has a forum here:

The project accepts donations through Paypal, crypto and bank transfer if you wish to help financially:

If you truly care about user freedom, and thus information and speech freedom, then you wasted your money on an undeserving project. They do not value those things.
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