
I wanted to give the spotlight to my Librem 5 for a bit and talk about VPN options. I usually use either Mullvad or Proton VPN. I can install both on the Libre 5 through the respective websites as they give detailed terminal commands. Out of the box Mullvad VPN works great while Proton VPN won't connect to any network I tried. I didn't try the Flatpak version of Proton VPN and I don't use Waydroid on my Librem 5 so I didn't try that. So all in all if you have a Librem 5 and want a good VPN to use I would suggest Mullvad VPN. It is pretty cheap at 5 euros a month and is great from a privacy and security standpoint. It includes such options as "multihop" where it routes your traffic out of a different server than where it went in DAITA which defends against monitoring of packets, and content blocking for blocking things such as spam, trackers, ads and more. These all add extra latency but are optional and great to have.

If you follow the above link, choose ARM64 and Ubuntu/Debian then click the .deb download. After that you just have to hold tap on the downloaded file and choose to "Open With Software Install".

@publiclewdness Mullvad is dope. I really like how I can just pay for a month at a time. You can actually pay in cash too lol.

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