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31 years ago yesterday, a man was walking down a trail through the woods with a 9-year-old neighbor's son and the boys dog, on a hunting trip.

Two men jumped out from the Honda tree and yelled at them, prompting the dog to take and charge at the man. One of the men shot the boy's dog and the boy shot at the man and they returned fire killing him. A firefight between the man and the other two men erupted and which one of the two men were killed...

The two men from behind the tree did not have uniforms on did not flash badges and did not identify themselves.

Thus began a 10-day standoff at Ruby Ridge... Which also exposed the criminality of the Federal Bureau Investigation and the BATF.

During the standoff, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Weaver's wife Vicki while she was holding her baby daughter

When the dust had settled... Randy Weaver was exonerated from all charges including the charges of missing his court date... And was given a multi-million dollar settlement from the US government for the death of his son and his wife who was actually murdered by a sniper employed by the FBI.

Looking back today, we see that this was the first really open terrorist act committed by the FBI, as the gloves came off and the United States government began to show its real face... Today we know that the United States government is nothing more than an organized crime family given a certain territory and the pharmaceutical industry is nothing but drug cartels that were allowed to operate within certain jurisdictions in the whole thing works as long as every crew picks up to the next level all the way up to the United Nations and then to the 13 families.

-Gary Williams

FOSS 2D platformer "Spinny the runner: mechanical menace" has been updated to version 0.4.3. This update adds new bonus stage music, new physics, new hud information, and more. Spinny the runner: mechanical menace was made using the FOSS LÖVE 2D game engine. The code is licensed using GPLv3.0. The game is available for downlaod from it's Codeberg repo and is available in .apk, .deb, .rpm, and as an App Image which should cover pretty much any Linux distro.

The source code is available on Codeberg:

The release notes for this update are available here:

I'm volunteer tutoring some high school students in #math at the local library.

I want to make it engaging for them, so I'm thinking about gamifying it. Any ideas? I'd prefer not to do individual rankings.

I was thinking maybe something TTRPG-like, where a character's success on beating the enemy depends on how many kids show up, what questions they bring to the tutoring session, and how well they engage. Struggling to work out the details though.



Paying Attention?

THE JEW wants "white people gone".


This week's donation was to the Nitrux project. Nitrux is a Linux distro that is based off Debian and uses it's own desktop called NX Desktop which is based off KDE Plasma. It has no package manager and uses App Images instead although you can also use Flatpaks and setup other programs if need be. Nitrux uses OpenRC for it's init system, the Liquorix Kernel, and uses the EXT4 file system. It's a unique distro that is worth a look.

The main website for the project is here:

The source code is avaialble on Github:

The project has a presence on Mastodon: Nitrux_NX

If you wish to help the project financially they accept donations through Open Collective and Ko-fi:

Oregon Taxpaying Residents are being discriminated against by the very government they elected, in favor of Illegals.

This is what will happen in all Democrat run communities. This is what Kamala/Walz wants to do.

Be angry and stand up to this BS!😡🤬


* fixed #fedora #openqa container compose test for a required syntax change in the kiwi call
* saw it broke *again* later in the day which sent me and @Conan_Kudo down a fun ISO spec rabbit hole, bodged it for now with
* fixed a bug in my compose metadata keep changes and got them merged to all release branches - etc.
* finished mwclient integration test PR, fixed another bug on the way - ,

I wrote a blog post on my experiences with samba cifs shares mounting from my nas together with #guix. It has become essentially a step by step guide to connect to SMB shares.
FOSS 2D platformer "Spinny the runner: mechanical menace" has been updated to version 0.4.3. This update adds new bonus stage music, new physics, new hud information, and more. Spinny the runner: mechanical menace was made using the FOSS LÖVE 2D game engine. The code is licensed using GPLv3.0. The game is available for downlaod from it's Codeberg repo and is available in .apk, .deb, .rpm, and as an App Image which should cover pretty much any Linux distro.

The source code is available on Codeberg:

The release notes for this update are available here:

Thanks to Thilo, developer of @Monal, Quicksy is now available on iOS!

Jabber/XMPP with Easy Entry and Easy Discovery

Conversations for you. Quicksy for your less tech-savvy friends

Remember you don’t have to be on Quicksy yourself to give your friends an easy way to find your #XMPP address. Instead you can enter your XMPP address-phone number tuple into the Quicksy Directory

You can also initiate the conversation by adding +123455…

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.