I post because I want to improve my English. there is still a lot of new words for me

@Sphinx Well your english does seem excellent to me at least.

I use Microsoft word to review(check the word I type) them before I post. do you think that's crazy? :bobross:

all the Chinese post on the local timeline i can fully understand, some of them are very meaningless...


You could try Grammarly -- not sure if there's a browser plugin for it, certainly there is a mobile keyboard with it fully embedded.

I do learn from the AutoCorrect when I am writing in Spanish, which helped a lot. Gets easier with practice.


@design_RG @freemo
i installed in the Microsoft word too,
chrome has this extension


🤯 You are using Chrome ?>>>???

Waterfox to the rescue. Get away from google espionage.




@design_RG @Sphinx @freemo If you think you can't live without , is an awesome option. But I'd have to say, having used both, is technically better, and way faster. It's got tho, so that's cool.


· · Web · 3 · 1 · 2


I like some of the Chromium variants, but all of them have the heavy hand of google behind the scenes controlling the development process; not so great.

Pity that Microsoft went to Chromium instead of supporting Firefox. I don't use any Chromium at the moment, although Opera has some niceties.

@Sphinx @freemo


And I should mention that you have been missed, it's always nice when you comment on a topic here, Casey. Thank you!

@Sphinx @freemo

@design_RG @Sphinx @freemo I miss you guys too! 🙂 It's great to still be able to talk to you guys, tho. I talk with you guys so much that it still feels like I'm part of the community over there.

Ah, good times


You will always be part of the QOTO family as far as I'm concerned :)

@design_RG @Sphinx

@realcaseyrollins @design_RG @Sphinx @freemo How does it handle videos? I run a debian box with Firefox and Chromium, and videos often get hung up.


I don't play many videos, but haven't seen any issues. Get Waterfox Current, it's based on FF Aurora latest release.

@realcaseyrollins @Sphinx @freemo

@design_RG @Lwasserman @Sphinx @freemo What websites? It works with so I'm pretty sure it comes with or whatever.

But since the version you're using is on , it might not have that codec.

These Widevine codecs are downloaded from source after installation - even on windows versions, seen it always. Must be from the developer, to keep people current (unlike the Flash disasters)

@Lwasserman @Sphinx @freemo

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