I think I'm done with instances in general.

I'll stay on the ones I'm at but currently looking for more instances, preferably ones running or with plans to implement it in the near future.

So long story short I got kicked off of mstdn.social for not liking and being "alt right" (lol)

This is a key part of what's incentivizing me distancing myself from and refusing to join any new ones. The culture of these instances in general is too toxic and intolerant to accept diverse opinions, even when expressed respectfully. (Note that nothing listed in the notice breaks the rules of mstdn.social, and furthermore the "alt-right" claim isn't backed up by listing any stances of mine that could be deemed alt-right.)

So for everyone who was following me at @realcaseyrollins@mstdn.social, it's been a good run, but I'm moving on. @realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me will be my new SFW main, and @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world will be my new SFW alt.

It'll take me a bit to get things up and running on the SFW alt, but we will soon be back in business. No love lost, stux and the users are still nice, amiable people and I hope to continue communicating with the same users in the future.


@realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world Is software inheritly ideological? No. But show me another instance that won't ban people for making jokes, being Conservative and not supporting a Marxist black supremacist group that wants to destroy families and I'll consider joining it.

Or maybe not, because fact of the matter is is the superior FE and is the superior backend.

I am out of excuses to consider joining anymore instances, sorry.

@realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world If you search "twitter without the nazis", articles on Mastodon are the first to show up. It's clear that this is what Eugen Rochko wants the Fediverse to be. While I personally prefer Mastodon over Pleroma (mostly due to the interface). I clearly see why people have a problem with Mastodon due to the dev behind it.

I just hope that Pleroma will bring more free-speech instances and by proxy, more diversity of thought.

@realcaseyrollins @xianc78 @realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins Give it a few months, and we’ll have a few different UIs that slot in atop Pleroma, like Soapbox, and instructions on how to do the same with pinafore or halcyon. There’s definitely a diversity of thought, in the fediverse, even if some centers of thought server-block others.


@sev @xianc78 @realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world Awesome! I'll keep that in mind, as I have a feeling that after this rant I'll get kicked off of kafuka.me too, as their speech rules are a bit stricter than mstdn.social's IIRC

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.