@jojo You're right tho

Really only people who are not thinking would believe that anarchy leads to a good society or has any chance of success

@shebang @jojo If you can provide of an instance where anarchy was successful, perhaps you will!


@tuxcrafting @shebang @jojo Hmm, but didn't they have a standing army, the Makhnovists? Can it still count as anarchy if they had a militarized force?

@realcaseyrollins @tuxcrafting @shebang @jojo

"In 1920, the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army declared that all types of money must be accepted within the territories, threatening "revolutionary punishment" to those who failed to follow this."

@realcaseyrollins @shebang @jojo uh yes? you're always gonna need an army, especially when your threat model includes the ussr, and like everything else was handled in an anarchic way

@tuxcrafting @shebang @jojo Of course, but that doesn't sound like anarchy to me, I thought anarchy was supposed to completely do away with violence

@realcaseyrollins @tuxcrafting @shebang @jojo

Anarchy only describes the formal power structures, it doesn't dictate peaceful or violent, and you will find both. Somalia has been a poster-child for violent anarchy for a long while, while peaceful communities of anarchists are not even rare.
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