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Rather than bulletproof and flame retardant
You feel mad retarded you just gained this knowledge

Still purging follows but slowly

Dang most of y'all are actually wholesome/comfy/cool, there were probably just a handful of news and politics accounts were drowning y'all out smh

Show thread It really my reflects the purpose of my main rather than the purpose of this account. Imma stop following political and edgy peeps from here and focus more on positive users and accounts


> connecting with others is important

Absolutely! God himself said "it is not good for man to be alone." While I think connecting and communion with God is more important than fellowship with man, both are absolutely vital to spiritual, mental and thus physical wellbeing.

While I'm on the subject, there's no singular form of self care more effective than reconnecting with God and building yourself up spiritually. I am thoroughly convinced that God can solve literally any problem better than man-made methods.

Understanding how to care for others will teach you self care and vice versa

If I ever have kids I'll most definitely teach them self care and about mental health

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