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I was zhinking about this ideology a lot, but it took me until I heard about abelism, that I realized, that these people love being the underdogs so much, that they would rather be born crippled, then use the gifts they have to do good in this world.

In other words, it's not an idiology of loosers, it's torse. it's an ideology hating sucess in any form immaginable.

@ArdanianRight @realcaseyrollins Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Relativism and Fat Pride are up there too.
@ChristiJunior @realcaseyrollins Heteronormativity only narrowly loses out to ableism for the most retarded leftist concept.
@realcaseyrollins Yep - normal straight male preferences are deemed unacceptable in today's feminized, faggy Clown World.
@realcaseyrollins Whining about "heteronormativity" is so retarded. NATURE is heteronormative, which is why it takes a man and a woman to make a baby, while two dudes banging each other will never produce a child, except in extremely cursed deviantart MPreg "artwork".

"But, heterosexuals aren't under attack at all!" Cries the "feminist" as he forces a teen boy to take estrogen.

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Sock and tired of the demonization of heteronormative behavior. It's highly offensive to and dismissive of heterosexuals like me, but most hets are societally pressured into silence, for fear of being called "anti-woman" or "intolerant".

Spare the BS, third wave feminists. 🙄

Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis passing. Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family. #Trump

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@augustus Yeah, we did, but it was smaller than it looks on the dollar bill. :providence:
@augustus Yeah, I knew you weren't American, I don't know how much people from un-American countries know about US history.

So that's the main significance: . The original flag had 13 stars, the flag still has 13 stripes.
@augustus Is this joke post or is it not common knowledge that the original states were 13 colonies?

@seanking @realcaseyrollins @amolith

Wouldn't trust my data to random shit made by incompetent people, just route directly to your server

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