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Tiny #Cyprus is blocking European sanctions against #Belarus because they link them in a completely absurd way with the Greek/Turkish conflict.

They must feel really big now.

Ok, here is the AOC clip re-coded to 30fps, resulting in a bigger file again. F-U Mastodon!

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People wonder why Apple products are popular. Go to and compare the iPad Pro and iPad Air. Long list of neatly organized differences.

Go to and compare tablets. The S7 has wifi. The S6 has N/A. The S6 has a battery. The S7 has N/A. The S7 has a display. The S6 has N/A.

If I'm comparison shopping, I don't want to choose between a tablet with a screen or a tablet with a battery. I'm going to pick a manufacturer that at least manages to include both specs on their web site.

The fact that my teacher has a hard time using youtube and only uses snapchat and there teaching us about how to talk to clients online and how to use social media to explain our reach scares me.

Every day @users posts some reports similar to this one - here are some annotations to help you understand why they have the shape they do.

tagging @freemo since he's mentioned in the image

NBCUniversal’s Peacock is now live on Roku - NBCUniversal and Roku announced late last week that they’d resolved the dispute that was keeping NB... - #nbcuniversal #comcast #peacock #media #roku

despite being 1% of the population, linux desktop users make 80% of OS reinstalls

Nice to hear that Github is finally replacing the term master with billgates

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