@matrix Like dat pussy shaved, eh? Easier to keep clean I guess. @sjw

@cowanon @matrix Not really. Kind of the opposite actually.

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@sjw @matrix I figured every strand of hair gives about 1000x the surface for stink-causing bacteria to stick to.

@cowanon @matrix Nope other way around. Way more likely to get bacterial infections if you shave.

@sjw @cowanon @matrix

But if you're going to licc, much nicer if you don't get hair on your tongue / between your teeth. In my experience.

@nerdman @cowanon @matrix Meh, not that big of a deal. You can always just brush/comb it to get loose hairs out so that's not a problem from the beginning

@sjw @cowanon @matrix

I know, not a big deal. But shaved or at least trimmed is nicer when applying the licc.
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