@tomie @Mr_NutterButter Fun fact: I don't take my shirt off either way.
Usually I take one sleeve off, full the head hole over, then take the other sleeve off.
It's kind of a sideways motion, usually going from right to left, probobly because I'm right handed.
I one time had someone legit use this as part of their argument that I was closet trans, and/or some kind of "egg." : :himeko_bored:

@Indigo @Mr_NutterButter yeah, totally valid way to take the shirt off too, but I've heard of "sleeve-sleeve-head sideways" as more of an army method
the "closet trans" argument is hilarious, yeah, exactly what I am satirizing there

@Indigo @Mr_NutterButter @tomie You need to pull the head hole from the front so it doesn't yank your glasses off, and you can't really do that without pulling one sleeve out first, so it just makes perfect sense that way. Maybe women tend to do it differently because it's easier to pull it over their tits or something.

@tomie @Mr_NutterButter
Also, I would guess, that this isn't even socialization OR biology as much as the way, that women tend to wear much tighter fitting clothing.

When I made my cloths too tight, I had to use a similar move too to get out of it.

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