@picandor @beardalaxy @skylar @mona @SuperSnekFriend if literally every linuxbro has "my distro shit the bed" regularly then there is a pattern, not luck

@tomie @picandor @beardalaxy @skylar @mona >Linux Users: I have this problem that I have trouble fixing. I don't what config file is messed up.
>Window Shills: See! Linux is inherently flawed and broken. Use Windows. Everything just works and perfect for the job.
>Windows Users: There is a big problem with my system and I cannot fix it.
>WIndow Shills: T-t-they're just stupid normalfags who don't know how to use Windows.

The real answer is to not expect complex software to work like magic. :jahy_wink:

@SuperSnekFriend @mona @beardalaxy @picandor @skylar
windows users: sometimes I have a problem
LGBTinux shills: i take pride that my system is the problem :smugface:

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