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>recipe channel posts a viral video
>adds an annoyed "too many people copy my recipes, please refrain ❌" to description
>the recipe is copied

ah, the shifting of overton window towards "how you act in a videogame is literally how you act in real life" is in full motion, I can't wait until Jack Thompson is lauded as a prophet

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reminder that time traveling in Animal Crossing is never okay and if you've done it you have to commit sudoku to pay off your debt to the game in blood ASAP

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>We Need To Talk About Inappropriate Age Gaps
disregarding of why YT recommends me this shit, the only Talk we need is that we Need More of It (In Fiction), full The Castle of Cagliostro and Porco Rosso style, because the Things done there make me all bubble-tingly inside around chest

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why tf the same "streamer" with bare naked tits is recommended literally everywhere, from the main page to the recommended after clips

i reported this shit like 5 times, I am all for art and its freedom, but I watch tw*tch for dysfunctional men and 2D women swearing loudly, stop recommending me this, I hate this

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I am so tired of this overfetishizing of feminine underwear
2B pushing camera away was annoying in the original game (like, dear, idgaf about what's under your skirt, let me look upwards ffs) but at least it was amusing
this shit here with in-your-face censorship is just blatant virtue signalling but the end problem is the same

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"i am a little bit tired" (japanese) -> "i've drank too much" (english)

ppl are acting as if Netherrealms' or Rocksteady female characters designs were ever beautiful when they always were ugly with faces made straight out of chiseled bricks

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.