
ah, the shifting of overton window towards "how you act in a videogame is literally how you act in real life" is in full motion, I can't wait until Jack Thompson is lauded as a prophet

@LukeAlmighty the bragging of Fully Mature Real Adult™ about him playing fantasy videogames in Morally Correct™ way

Oh, that reminds me of the one essayist, who was all broken about killing ONE child in Frostpunk.

@LukeAlmighty the game is still sadly incredibly cucked as far as I know

Well, it has 0 depth. I completed it once, and didn't care about tryting to optimize it in any way.

The "moral" decisions work, only if you're literally too retarded to understand the stakes.... but it does look good :D

@tomie >delibverately

personally i tend to not do evil stuff in video games just because that's how i am, but the whole point of being able to do evil stuff in a game is because it can be fun. why play as a jedi when you can play as a sith lord and get crazy lightning powers? i mean fuck, this is the whole premise of GTA.

i do heavily prefer the way something like witcher 3 does it though, where pretty much every choice isn't exactly "right" or "wrong" explicitly, they just lead to natural outcomes.

@beardalaxy technically you can roleplay Geralt "incorrectly" and I remember reading a funny debate on the internet about ethics of him killing a sentient being for resources... but it's only a videogame in the end. I personally enjoyed leading the Blood and Wine DLC to the "bad" ending because I thought everyone participating kinda sorta deserved that outcome :ojou:

@tomie didn't play blood and wine actually, it took me like 2 years to get through the main game and i haven't touched it since xD

@beardalaxy understandable, but you missed a lot of top-tier stuff by not doing the DLC...

@tomie yeah i don't doubt that. i just did not have the drive to keep playing and i still haven't gotten it back lol. kind of like phantom liberty for cp2077, i don't think i'll play it for a long time, if ever, despite liking the base game.

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