ah, the shifting of overton window towards "how you act in a videogame is literally how you act in real life" is in full motion, I can't wait until Jack Thompson is lauded as a prophet

@tomie >delibverately

personally i tend to not do evil stuff in video games just because that's how i am, but the whole point of being able to do evil stuff in a game is because it can be fun. why play as a jedi when you can play as a sith lord and get crazy lightning powers? i mean fuck, this is the whole premise of GTA.

i do heavily prefer the way something like witcher 3 does it though, where pretty much every choice isn't exactly "right" or "wrong" explicitly, they just lead to natural outcomes.

@beardalaxy technically you can roleplay Geralt "incorrectly" and I remember reading a funny debate on the internet about ethics of him killing a sentient being for resources... but it's only a videogame in the end. I personally enjoyed leading the Blood and Wine DLC to the "bad" ending because I thought everyone participating kinda sorta deserved that outcome :ojou:

@tomie didn't play blood and wine actually, it took me like 2 years to get through the main game and i haven't touched it since xD

@beardalaxy understandable, but you missed a lot of top-tier stuff by not doing the DLC...


@tomie yeah i don't doubt that. i just did not have the drive to keep playing and i still haven't gotten it back lol. kind of like phantom liberty for cp2077, i don't think i'll play it for a long time, if ever, despite liking the base game.

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