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wtf, downforeveryone stopped writing "it's just you"?? did political correctness reach this site too??

the Silent Hill 2 remake trailers are SO FUNNY, from the typical telltale "made a female character ugly to pacify DEI" to the deadass cataract in the center of the screen

tomie boosted
On the whim of the male he created a hell on earth to reflect what was going on inside his little male brain?

what I don't get and probably never will get is writing on margins in pen
no matter if the book is fiction or non-fiction, I want to keep it as close to mint as possible

>a Japanese academic who tried to sue a British university for racism

>a Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture working with Ubisoft on Assassin’s Creed Shadows

bruh people deadass print aislop on cards and sell them as the licensed collectables 💀

the thing about schools is that schools aren't there for learning
how it goes on: you get an assignment, you complete an assignment, and then you get graded
getting graded efficiently destroys the very foundation of studying and learning: fucking up, and fucking up royally at times
a bad grade is a punishment by itself, and depending on a kid's luck or lack of it, this punishment has further punishments attached to it, be so "no sweets for you" or getting beaten up to the point of getting into a hospital
therefore a child has no real reason for learning, only for memorising stuff for enough time to write a test and forget it forever if diligent, or just not giving a shit if normal or troubled
again, a student can also be diligent but not neurotypical enough to just memorize shit without attaching any meaning to it, resulting in a diligent student with bad grades
and this is the rotten system that makes the foundation of pretty much everything

why the fuck would any woman choose a bear, bears are literally gay

men unironically shitting on Titanic for wrong reasons is just exhibit #18474 of media literacy being at the lowest point in history, because at least when the majority of ppl couldn't read they also couldn't write with pride about being illiterate

"wake the fuck up, Sonic, we have a city to escape from"
but srs, when was the last time Keanu Reeves played someone who wasn't just Keanu Reeves? I am not that familiar with the man's filmography tbh

tomie boosted
Fukang Meteorite

When we think of meteorites, we tend to imagine rather plain chunks of grey space rocks. This image is not fully reflective of all meteorites. A perfect exception is the Fukang meteorite, located in the mountains near the city of Fukang in China.

It was discovered in 2000 and is theorized to be 405 billion years old. What you see is only a small part as the whole piece weighs over 1000 kg! While it might look like gold or amber, it’s actually a mineral called olivine.

when youtubers criticizing shit make a Very Important Remark in the video that they "don't have a problem" with yet another movie replacing a redhead character with a black character they clearly don't see that they're part of the problem they're criticizing in a first place
bonus points if they ever talked shit about horrible miscast of the Avatar movie (not the CGI cartoon with blue people): oh, apparently you *do* have a problem with miscasts, now isn't that interesting!

remember that is first and foremost for workers, and achieving true workplace equality not marred by late stage capitalism shenanigans is the way towards avoiding deaths from overwork

tomie boosted

to this day there has been no properly working text editor other than M$ Word, and no comfier tool for synchronizing your docs than Dropbox
literally every other self-proclaimed "free as in freedom" alternative is either vastly inferior of flat out doesn't work

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.