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I think we should officially adopt "Hitler particles" as the official measurement of art
write in replies what you think can be measured in art in Hitler particles

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This week's donation went to the Heroic Game Launcher project. It is a launcher where you can manage your games from a variety of stores as well as those you have locally installed. It is focused on privacy, using fewer resources, and supporting a range of tools such as Wine, Proton, Crossover, DXVK, and VKD3D. The code is licensed using GPLv3.0. HGL is available from various Linux distro repos, as an App Image as well as a Flatpak.

The project's main website is here:

The source code is available on Github:

The project has a presence on Mastodon:

If you wish to help them financially they accept donations through Github, Ko-fi, and Patreon:

tomie boosted

lying in bed all day

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crowdsourced storytelling might be a horrible idea, but a crowdsourced translation is worse
it takes only one "my writing is brilliant" noisy retard to ruin everything

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.