
Well. In the latest shit show that is , the for the West release is a lot worse than anticipated and Amazon is doubling down massively. To keep things short, Amazon has removed the smallest body type from the game and in a bizarre puritan panic, removed "jiggle" physics that are basically only present in character creation. They cited in an interview that jiggle physics can make Western audiences "uncomfortable". Do these people at Amazon go outside AT ALL, I wonder? Yes, breasts DO IN FACT MOVE AROUND EVEN IN REAL LIFE. lol

This is absolutely ridiculous for a company that wants the game to be "inclusive" yet removes the petite body type. There is no good reason to ever do this and their bullshit excuse that they want to keep the Teen rating falls flat when you look at their competitors, FF14 and WoW. Both these games are rated Teen and feature suggestive content.

There's also changes to the menu that has the character's underwear, which seems to be just flat out also removed from the game. It's very bizarre, honestly. Do these people at Amazon also not wear underwear or something? :kekw:

This Twitter thread by Zakogdo has further information regarding that:

Post about the bizarre undergarment changes:

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My personal thoughts on this:

Of course I will completely drop Blue Protocol over this. I can't even make my characters in the Western version and I won't risk spending money on my JP account and then getting banned at some other time for being a Westerner. It also doesn't seem feasible to convince my group of friends to play on the JP server. The removal of the S body type is not something that mods can fix. If it's removed during character creation, you just flat out can't make it in the game.
My main character that I was using is not even anything the censorship defenders would deem justifiable for the removal, since they seem to only focus on "Oh, you're angry you can't play a little girl anymore!"

My brother in Christ, my character is an adult and he just has a slim body type. He is also the tallest height for males of the S type and I picked it because it allows me to be slim. These people seem to think in black and white, only.

So where do I go after this? Well, if you want a game that doesn't censor and also has way better action combat than , you are welcome to come try Blade & Soul. The game isn't anywhere near perfect but we just got a new bunny suit outfit that is available for EVERYONE, even the small race. I may do a thread at some point for people looking to try BnS and may get back into doing videos for it. I have my gripes with BnS too but at least the developers aren't incompetent enough to censor a game that is already struggling. I've been on BnS for 7 years now, playing at the highest level for endgame, so I could probably answer any question anyone has without bullshit copium most supporters of this game are on.

@beardalaxy There is always a first time for everything and Amazon are probably the first assholes I've heard of in MMO history that have pretty much removed the equivalent of a race in the game. This is the same if FF14 just yeeted Lalafells from the Western release. :omegalul:

This doesn't do the game's already lackluster combat system, clunky UI, and $100+ gacha outfits any favors.

@veru yeah so i've heard lol, everyone was talking about it being the savior for anime MMOs since people hate NGS but once it came out i no longer heard anyone talking about it xD

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