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I am sorry, but I must request clarification. I believe I may have misunderstood your previous statement. For your information, I achieved the highest honors in my Navy Seals training, and have had involvement in numerous confidential operations against Al-Quaeda resulting in over 300 confirmed eliminations. With extensive qualifications in guerrilla tactics and sharpshooting, I view you as nothing more than a simple objective. I will remove you from existence with such skillful precision it will be unprecedented. Despite your misguided belief that you can freely engage in disrespectful behavior online, be warned that I am currently enlisting the reliable resources from my communication network across the United States to locate your identifying Internet Protocol. I advise you to prepare for the repercussions, as the unyielding force of retribution will be devastating. I am capable of executing more than 700 techniques for combat and destruction using only my bare hands, in addition to full access to the formidable arsenal of the United States Marine Corps. If only you had understood the consequences of your imprudent actions, you may have been able to prevent the calamity that will inevitably ensue. Nevertheless, you have failed to grasp the severity of your situation, and must now suffer the devastating punishment for your actions. I will vent my righteous fury upon you to the degree that you will be consumed by it. Your final fate has been sealed, young one.

Nothing too bad here... until you realize the shop's name is Jesus' Smokeshop and they have the holy man himself smoking a blunt. :omegalul: I couldn't stop laughing.

Found a ballsack that glows which attaches to your bicycle. I want to buy it and wear it to the beach to see if people notice my nether regions are glowing and my huge bouncy balls. Also a sticker skin for your credit card that has doge or... Terry Cruz for some reason!

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It makes your shitter look cute and comfy but I don't think I want to sit on something that will get splashed and soaked in shid piss water every time. :FeelsWeirdMan:

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Someone needs to send this to Reddit. I bet they would delete all their child porn if Batman or some other superhero told them to.

Found out that these are so your wiener stands A LOT when you wear the underwear lmao
It doesn't come with a fake wiener. That means that the picture of the guy in the previous post is his real pp :booba:

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"egg's location" :kekw:

I love this because everytime I open the app, there's always some bizarre product. Guess I will keep adding onto the thread if I find more weird products.

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Looking through AliExpress weird products is a guilty pleasure of mine

The past few days, my dog has been running around all manic and barking at random shit when he looks around and now my brother thinks there's a ghost in the house. :MonkaChrist:

Japanese 3D gun printing enthusiast/weirdo Libertarian has decided to become a filthy tranny. Very sad.

Regretfully, all of the doll wigs I ordered were a bust and many dollarinos down the drain! These cheap Chinese wigs are really a lottery on what you are going to get vs the pictures. I don't think these sellers are showing the ACTUAL wigs. The whole monitor coloring difference is a lie imo. The wig doesn't magically transform into a completely different color. Though I shouldn't be surprised since it's coming from China.

Since my doll's maker is only on Twitter, I want to reveal the doll properly on there but you can clearly see the color of this wig is SO DARK compared to the picture shown. Doesn't matter if I shined the light on it or take the picture with flash either. That shit is just dark no matter what. There's not really any blue on there.

Well just more delays now lol.
Ironically I can only buy these China wigs because my character's hair color isn't one that is easy to find. Third picture is of yet another China wig I have on the way. I highly doubt these girls are wearing the wig at all. Don't let the Japanese text fool you; it's Chinese made and says so in the description lol. The color differences are awful. It's a lottery of what will actually come in. 😅

After many hours, I found a single perfect color on Etsy. It's the 4th pic. $80 wig though! No choice and I'm tired of searching. It's probably best to have this one shop tailor Elegos's wigs forever now. It also has enough hair to make a cute ponytail!

I plan to use the China wig for sleeping, etc and keep the Etsy wig for pictures. Unless the China wig ends up being some type of neon blue!

Onionket 5 Scheduled for Aug.19th/20th, 2023

Onionket (or "Onion Comic Market") is a decentralized, censorship-resistant online doujin/art festival hosted exclusively in the Dark Web. Using an open-source program called "OnionShare", we give artists a SIMPLE, FREE, and CENSORSHIP-RESISTANT way to distribute their work.

Doll wig haul for this week! Finally wigs in the somewhat correct colors?!

Elegos's hair color is difficult! These need trimming and let's hope I don't burn off the darker wig when I straighten it. 😅 The darker one appeared lighter on pictures but it's not too bad. The ponytail wig is almost the perfect color as his concept art that I was working on but I haven't been able to find a long hair wig of this shade.

Very busy today! My boy also needs his lips done. Many outfits also came in! I realized my hair cutting scissors are completely shot after my brother took my car so now I need to wait a few hours to take care of these wigs. I'm dedicating the entire weekend to my sweet Elegos! :peepoBlushy:

Another beautiful Dragon King has also arrived from far away! 🐲✨

He will appear soon!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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