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One of these HAS to be close or match even better than the color of the ponytail wig.
I'm really glad I opted to not have Elegos come with a sewn on wig. If I'm having such a hard time finding the color, I feel the maker may not have had much luck either. Though my retarded ass did tell him the hair color "wasn't blue" and that it was slate gray, which is completely wrong on my part lmao

Idk why I thought the color was slate gray; it's totally different. Searching for a gray wig doesn't work either. It has to be blue gray or I have also seen it be called "ashy blue".

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You will never be a real Shrine. You have no puzzles, you offer no challenge, you provide no satisfaction. You are a quick travel point twisted by lazy design and filler mentality into a crude mockery of Miyamoto’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your designers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “players” laugh at your empty appearance behind closed doors.

#LGBTQ #Queer #Pride #PrideMonth #PrayAwayTheGay #Trans #Gay #ChristianAnime #TheRainbowBelongsToGod #GodWins #LoveWins #Furry #FurryPride #PrideMonth2023 #HappyPride #hrt #transgender #blm #lgbtqia

Up to trying 10 wigs for my new doll. 🫠 Wallet hurts so bad. I'm now waiting on 4 others and I'm forced to wait around 2 weeks now because I've pretty much exhausted all options on Scamazon. I found closer matches to his actual hair color on AliExpress but the shipping time is abysmal.
Still waiting on the Etsy wig but I looks like it may be too blue. It sucks the one wig that matched pretty accurately was the trash ponytail wig that is completely worthless and awful by all accounts except the color. :pepeHang:

Good news is that today, I fixed an outfit I had bought for Elegos! I altered the skirt by adding a button so it actually fits him and doesn't slide off. The velcro that came with it didn't fasten enough for the smaller body despite the size being very small. The top had also come with an awful pin to hold up the bow, so I have added another button instead of the ugly pin. Now his cute outfit looks really good!

He's wearing the ponytail wig here. It looks nice from the front but the sides and back bloat around the head pretty bad! For some reason, this color range is extremely difficult to get for affordable wigs. All of the other wigs I ordered were too dark and missing color. When I search for "gray blue", I get really dark blue or just sky blue wigs. 🫠 It's been hellish.

Rant about Pride shit 

More context regarding that first screenshot. This is in response to what Nickmercs said here.

People need to stop with the whole "just let people love". It's a disingenuous and ignorant point. We are all WAY past that point and you have to be willfully retarded or a grifter to keep brushing it off. I fully support the anti-LGBT protestors here. Would join them if I could! Keep the gay shit out of schools!

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Rant about Pride shit 

"We're not doing anything..."

He's right but not in the way he expects. "We" are definitely not doing enough to denounce this grooming shit and I'm sick of it. I wanted to rail on this guy so bad but my Twitter has been politics free for some months and I want to keep it that way so I don't spam my Japanese follower with Western problems bullshit on their feeds.

I'm tired of this passiveness from other gays about the fact that nefarious individuals have completely taken over in a parasitic way and are making an entire group of people look bad and be treated as an actual threat. Apparently it isn't common sense to not be tolerant towards criminals and disgusting sex offenders.

People need to get it through their heads that the Pride shit is no longer in good will, just like many things from the old days that have been butchered to push identity politics and keep the population in a constant state of unrest and divided. But was Pride ever in good will? To me, it's just narcissism. If you want to be treated as an equal, you don't celebrate it in such an obnoxious way. I'm just a human, so I don't find anything "proud" about my sexual preference.

I don't need "approval" from anyone either. Certainly not from conservatives and it's not the reason I'm against everything the gay community has become. I'm not "one of the good ones". There's no such thing because being against grooming, pedophiles, drag queens being around children, men in women's sports, fetishes in public, and mutilation of children IS JUST COMMON SENSE! 100% I am against everything Pride stands for now and no, you really can't separate all the bad shit from just "celebrating". If you think like this, you're just on copium, blind, and retarded.

I hate all the ugly flags too! Such a fucking eyesore. How can people unironically use this shit? I really like rainbows because they're pretty and I hate that it's been coerce into some hideous flag now. Regardless, I will continue to like rainbows by themselves because I've always stood as an individual and I'm not going to let other obnoxious people ruin it for me.

More people need to denounce this bullshit and it has to come from within, not just from the outside. What is happening is abhorrent and people's past struggles are once again being used against them just for profit and exploitation. Pride month is an incredibly disingenuous charade made up by corporations that just treat us as "numbers".

This is the reason I'm always shitting on the current state of things regarding homosexuality. It can come across as "homophobic" until you realize I'm one myself and I'm entirely against this madness. I know it can be a bit tiring to keep seeing stuff about it, so I will try to focus on more funny universal memes going forward and actually posting original content.

This current political climate does affect me the most in this situation, although I don't think we are going to see gays being thrown off buildings like in other countries once people have had enough of this shit. Well, we also don't want it to get close to that point and the parasites do need to be weeded out by starving them of profits. A lot of the agitators are grifters themselves that profit from pushing this asinine and they value their pockets more than painting an entire group of humans in bad light or even the wellbeing of children.

I haven't downloaded Blue Protocol yet and I'm definitely not feeling too in the mood to play another MMO currently but I'll try to stream it when it goes live in JP next Wednesday. I'm just busy with my doll stuff currently and trying to improve my art. Was hoping for a July release tbh.

Saw some info about the Battle Pass through here:

It seems to be around 4,500 yen for the highest tier and lasts 60 days. This is around $30. I wonder what the West pricing will look like. My concern is how a F2P would go about getting this and what's actually in it. There is also a free version of the Battle Pass too.
I can pay for it but thinking about my poorfag frens ofc.

There are also time trial rankings. If they keep the P2W down and allow no lifers to at least achieve the same gear as wallet warriors, then I look forward to it. Whale slaying is my specialty. :feelsokayman: Until the P2W becomes unreasonable ofc.

New class was announced: A lancer. Between the Heavy Smasher and now this one, it's what I'm looking to play unless my group of frens lacks a range. I really don't like the two range classes in this game but may ultimately be forced to play one. :pepeShotgun: They really gotta give a 3rd range option, preferably a dark caster of sorts like a warlock or wizard. Generic mage and archer ain't doing it for me!

Who has a sexier smile?

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Another weird gem. Swole Sanrio characters keychains and My Melody is doing a JoJo pose because of reasons, I guess. There is also an option of getting a fat fuck one. Hello Kitty's head is attached to Hulk's body...
Who is this for?! Clearly, it is for me because I bought the JoJo Melody one. They're literally like $1. :feelsokayman:

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The new Discord username change is incredibly retarded. Unnecessary change that definitely makes the service worse. The tag at the end was a better system imo. I was prompted yesterday to pick my username out of nowhere but some of my frens haven't been prompted. My account is from 2016, so I wonder if they're going by sign up date for dibs.
Somehow I was able to get my username, which rarely happens since it's short and people like to use it as a nickname often. Well, I think this dogshit service is on its way out anyways. They just need more massive fuck ups for people to leave.

Which also comes to the point that people have replaced public forum posts and websites and now use Discord as a "wiki" service to keep information in. This is asinine and I've made it my goal to make my modding tutorials as public as possible so that search engines pull these up. Once Discord dies, all that information is lost or worse case, some retard nukes your server by posting illegal shit and self reporting. People need to stop using Discord as storage for guides and information.

Got a two in one screenshot yesterday when I was confirming receipt of an order of mine. The hand looks so weird and awkward because of the clearly photoshopped colored pencils.

A Hello Kitty shanker so you can be adorable while murdering. :peepoComfy: Mini figure with shaking booba, over 1000 units sold. Wow das alotta booba! 😤
And some kawaii cock plushies for your girlfriend but I'm sure you won't have one after giving her one of these. :FeelsWeirdMan: (unless she's based with a sense of humor, which is rare for wahman)

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