@realcaseyrollins Just found out after some digging that your mstdn.social account is taken down.

Is feddit.social safe? Since it's run by that same stux guy. I'm trying to find a instance that's pro-freespeech but not too extremist

@vetharvester 's rules are definitely more lenient than dev.lemmy.ml, the only other instance I know of. Right now I'm only posting links to the site, so I'm guessing I probably won't cross any written (or unwritten) rules on the site. But some people aren't that happy with the software. Not sure why tho.

Probably when the project matures a bit, we can expect to see a instance.

@realcaseyrollins @vetharvester @deadheat @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo jogger is very recent IIRC. It comes from the incident where a jogger was shot. Seems like the person was trespassing but the media ran with that he was just jogging. I don't know what ended up being the truth behind

But yeah, jogger sounds a lot like the n-word, so it started being used as a censor bypass

that's the origin of it. I might be wrong tho' but that's how I've seen it being used recently
@coolboymew @realcaseyrollins @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @deadheat @vetharvester


Ahmed Arbory, AKA "Armed Robbery", was shown in footage to be scoping out suberban construction sites for things to steal (a regular activity for him, according to locals) before being followed out of the neihgborhood. He then wrestled with a concerned citizen attempting a citizen's arrest. Ahmed grabbed at the man's gun and got the raw end of some self defense. He was later featured in a memorial bump on Adult Swim along with a name I didn't recognize and the famous mass marketed gent who aimed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly and later was killed by an old coworker from a club.

This was all spun as "systemic racism" to get clicks, and now countless are dead. "Jogger" means robber, from how I saw it used, but it could have easily gotten milage in a more derogitory way for all I know.
@realcaseyrollins @vetharvester @PorkCow @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @deadheat wow, it's that old?

And lol, surprised this was even in the autocorrect to begin with! I got smartphones really freaking late but I couldn't even swear without the autocorrect wanting to to correct it to duck

Ducking crap
@realcaseyrollins @vetharvester @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo >racists are probably the only ones who know it then

Progressives also like to give publicity to racist groups and websites that no one ever heard about but the handful of people in them, making them grateful for the spotlight.
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