Bumped into an interesting thread on dev.lemmy.ml/post/37822 about the ethics of using invidious vs. peertube. I've used invidious extensively hiostircally. However, I take the point that supporting an alternative video sharing/content creator model removes ethical concerns about tools like invidious. The content just isn't as good :/ That said, going to donate to peertube to support the future ✊ joinpeertube.org/roadmap #peertube #youtube #invidious

cursing, lots of it. 

There are 72 fucking apps from Samsung on my phone that I cannot remove. About 60 of those fucking apps are either duplicates of something I use a third-party app for or simply something I don't want to fucking use like Facebook or TikTok.

WHY ARE THESE ON MY PHONE? Samsung fuck, goddamn shit fuck.

@Grandtheftautism @vetharvester I learned no cursive only italics with connected letters. It was an obvious regression apparent even to me as kindergartener.
Do you know how to read/write cursive writing?

RT @fairvote@twitter.com

Here’s to Maine making history! 👏 🎉 This fall they will be the first state to use #RankedChoiceVoting in a presidential election. Read the details in our new post here ➡️ t.co/ZkZHwBUw2U

The amount of damage GitHub has done to development literacy in the general population is fucking awful

@realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins
Welcome to "the club".
Anybody that critically thinks is a "racist" according to Mastodon and Twitter.
It's similar to how anything that works against Bejing's power-grabs is "racist" when anyone but China's government does it.
I swear that the world's populated by kids.

@realcaseyrollins Just found out after some digging that your mstdn.social account is taken down.

Is feddit.social safe? Since it's run by that same stux guy. I'm trying to find a instance that's pro-freespeech but not too extremist

Though it's important I've always wanted an instance that's general and something I could say to my friends. is a name I can write off as a gaming-focused instance, but many would probably already yikes at a site named Free Speech E X T R E M I S T, and same (albeit for different reasons) for intentionally niche instances like smugloli, blobcat, absturztau and everything else recommended on that website that led me to this.

I guess this really just runs to the point of why the won't gain mass adoption without a single instance dominating and succeeding on its own - it's completely contradictory. Even is giants-controlled, with literally all but a few of my classmates on !

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.