
@matana @LukeAlmighty @Sabex It's still a gene therapy though.
It uses the same technique as J&J which is to deliver DNA to cells via a virus instead of mRNA strands. This technique is already used in ebola vaccines but it's still experimental and it's hard to get any data from people in the third world, so we don't know any long-term side effects about it. It's probably safer than mRNA because unlike mRNA there are currently no studies indicating risks of prions.

The danger is not permanent DNA alteration but rather having your immune system react to proteins naturally generated by your own cells like HERV which is homogeneous to the spike proteins in SARS-CoV2 and is essential for pregnancy. And antibody-dependency enhancement which can lead someone to be more vulnerable to mutated strains.

The only "vaccine" that is remotely safe is probably the Novavax one. It uses modified moth cells instead of modifying your own and this technique is already used in flu shots, but it's not widely available yet and we currently don't have that much information about the short-term and long-term side effects of that. And I bet Moderna and Pfizer can easily bribe governments to suspend it. It really seems like they want everyone to take the mRNA gene therapy over anything resembling a traditional vaccines. Hell, with all the "reported success" of these "vaccines", traditional vaccines could be phased out entirely.

We probably wouldn't even have this problem if we actually had a free market in medicine.

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