I've finally completed the game. You can download it on my website. It's just a generic shmup. It's nothing special (it was made to practice enemy patterns among other things), but I think I learned a lot working on it.

CC: @beardalaxy @Binkle @coolboymew @ItsSkyDragonz

@xianc78 @Binkle @coolboymew @ItsSkyDragonz gotta admit, i suck ass at this xD i can't get past level 1 lol.

i'm glad that you were able to finish it :)

it definitely could benefit from fullscreen, button mapping, and a way to get back to the title screen. i think i might be a bit better at it using my left hand to steer and my right hand to fire (like wasd movement and mouse click fire or something). that would be stuff not for a test game though, ya know, the polish that you'd want on an actual release!

the reticle, imo, should be a bit smaller and higher up on the screen. you should generally be looking as forward as possible to see where enemies are coming from, so putting it closer to the player's vision would be better i think :)

also, i know some games go for a different style of shmup so maybe it's just because i'm so used to touhou but pressing the button every time i want to fire instead of it just being automatic gets really tiring!

@xianc78 @Binkle @coolboymew @ItsSkyDragonz ooooooooooooooh i somehow totally forgot there were bombs after reading it like 10 seconds before i launched the game lol

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