
For all you overpopulation alarmists out there that are freaking out about 8 billion people, I just like to remind you these facts.

no one wants an earth where whites have to feed and clothe 4 billion niggers


The problem is not fitting people into homes. It is the support network they need, mostly food, roads, parking, hospitals, schools, factories, electric plants, sewage plants, water plants, etc.

@amerika There is plenty of space to grow food and there are plenty of resources out there.


Not really, since we use up an awful lot of it per person. Here's the only environmentalism you need:

@beardalaxy @xianc78 Some White groups are successfully doing this, like traditionalist Christian groups (Amish, Mennonites), but obviously we want more White groups to follow God's command.
@xianc78 I love how overexploitation of the environment is listed as a factor but you dont make the connection here.

I wont live in the pod.
Absurd utopian pipedreams do not constitute "facts"
@xianc78 @xianc78
id prefer having space without people being stacked ontop of eachother around me
100 people per km^2 is already too much for me to deal with.
@xianc78 Those of us who aren’t niggers don’t want to live in pods urban shitholes while monoculture crops and pesticides destroy the last vestiges of beauty on this rock you doubleniggers haven’t managed to ruin yet.

@AnonymousBosch Read the second pic. There is plenty of room for ground level houses. We will also soon have seasteads which will make it possible to live on the ocean.

@xianc78 I’ll become a terrorist before I’ll let you niggers ruin the ocean too.

@xianc78 Nigger, all the nazis are dead, no one is getting to the moon anymore. All our money goes to dem programs now and everyone under the age of 25 is either fucking retarded or not able to get into a university because they’re white and have pattern recognition.

@xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Buddy, they can’t even build the suits for space anymore. Artemis is a pipe dream. For all our fancy shit, all those billions of dollars they’re patting themselves on the back for barely getting into low earth orbit.

Our space program is like a crackhead daydreaming about how he’ll surely get clean and succeed in life….any day now….you’ll see, he’ll be a doctor for sure!

@WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch We'll reach the stars someday, but things need to get worse before they can get better. We need a cleansing.
@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @AnonymousBosch @WashedOutGundamPilot You will die and so will everyone else. Anything less than acceptance of this hard fact is mental jackoff.

@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @AnonymousBosch @WashedOutGundamPilot ending free food to Africa and ending aid to Israel while deporting jews to Israel and.. letting things go as they may..

there are a lot of things that are happening which we have no control over but serve to make people feel like there are too many people. the regime busting up White communities with non-White illegals and “refugees” doesn’t just break up communities and local solidarities, it makes the world feel smaller than it should as well.

and it’s documented that most of the “people” from the so-called third world, when they come to the first, consume vastly more resources after being brought here. the Sierra Club environmentalist group was staunchly for limiting or eliminating immigration for that very reason, until a jew signed a 100 million dollar check for them so long as they dropped the anti-immigration stance lmao.

@MeBigbrain @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Even beyond reversing total DMVification of the government I have three words: Hard resource limits
@WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch we simply don't have the human excellence that got men to the moon and back on ti-84 calculators. or rather, we do, there are fantastically intelligent and capable people out there, but they have no incentive to do that and never will if things don't change. also almost all of them are superstudy gay sex chinese
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Retard know it all's have the best opinions on science, usually.
Charitably, i'd consider him mistaking pause in efforts for loss in progress. We know better though.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Ok... but like I worked for NASA and what he's describing is entirely accurate. The organization misses nearly every deadline it or Congress sets for it. And some of that is funding related, but primarily it's just that no one has any idea what they're doing.
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Focus change, they seem to be building a shit ton of semi automated robots. Far more efficient to do it that way.
Don't really give a fuck about deadlines if they keep up the success rates.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >Focus change
That's true. But it proves what Gundam said, not refutes it.
>Don't really give a fuck about deadlines if they keep up the success rates.
They don't.
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >We're changing direction, we're going to be sending more probes and robots to do the shit for us. It's more efficient like that since robots can now do everything and more what human would be able to do.
It's not the same as
>We've lost the scientific and engineering capability to send humans to space, so we're sneeding robots into space for us.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Oh, that's what you think the focus changed to? Then you're flat wrong. It's not "muh space robots". It's "be a testing facility for Boeing and Lockheed because they pay us lots of money.
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Don't care about political or commercial direction. The other retard implied and you're defending the fact of loss of the ability to explore space.
It's so patently obvious, even the fucking chinks are catching up. Building orbital space station as we speak. Once cutting edge tech is becoming mundane. For whatever it's worth we have more capability than ever, regardless if we're actively engaging it.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch So he said, and I am defending some thing that you just claimed was "obvious".
And saying obviously true things makes us "retards".
Serious question. Have you recently had a stroke?
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >they can’t even build the suits for space anymore
They don't send humans for missions, they send robots. There's no need for next gen space suits, so it's on back burner.
The claim here is "THEY CAN'T", when in fact it's "THEY CAN, BUT DON'T"

>patting themselves on the back for barely getting into low earth orbit
Shits flying all around the solar system.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >when in fact it's "THEY CAN, BUT DON'T"
So you keep saying. But you're basing that on wishful thinking. And... nothing else.
@Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Even chinks have a space station now. They're doing routine space walks while building and maintaining it.

You're argument seems to me on the level, since we don't manufacture CRTs anymore we just can't do it.
@white_male @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >Even chinks have a space station now.
Oh... and the chinks are NASA? I thought the N in NASA stood for national. But apparently it stands for "whatever butt hurt internet retard wants."
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@white_male @Nou @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Why can’t you call that what it is - a decline in standards?

This is no different from how everything else has fallen, you’re just telling me “actually it’s good that you don’t have land and a bunch of livestock, life is better living off commercial groceries!”

We send robots because we can’t send anything else. The moon program managed to put humans up there in what, a decade? Now we have everyone high-fiving because they managed to hit the absolute bare minimum of “space” to float around for 7 minutes.

There’s some cool stuff in NASA still, the ingenuity helo is a very cool little piece of tech, but you diminish the accomplishments of our forebears to look at what NASA does today and say it’s equivalent.

No different from comparing a high school grad of today to one 100 years ago. The curriculum in their day was way, WAY harder, the system’s been gamed in the pursuit of metrics at the expense of true quality.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Nou @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch >We send robots because we can’t send anything else.
What else will you send, when robots can sit on a rock and perform the jobs for years continually?
You're gonna kick off and maintain human space program and put bases every where for no gain?
There's barely feasible commercial need for Moon resouorces and base there. There was a need for a space win during cold war, for nothing else than a motivitaing PR stunt.

Solutions are made for a purpose. Absence of solution is an absence of purpose for it. Not an incapability of it.
>No different from comparing a high school grad of today to one 100 years ago. The curriculum in their day was way, WAY harder, the system’s been gamed in the pursuit of metrics at the expense of true quality.

The decline in education standards cannot be understated. We found my great-grandmother's 4th grade final exam (yes, finals for elementary school students) and the questions on it required more general knowledge and thought to answer than most low level college courses.
@MatebaRespecter @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @Nou Arguably US education system has seen biggest drop in average competence in the 1st world.
Bottom tier trash gets fluffed obviously, competition at top 1% is as hard as ever. Top 1% gets to design and build space tech. What's your point here?

I was asking in another thread about what measure of capability is appropriate for space suit for example. You build a hundred, two hundred and you sit on it until stockpile depletes. Then you run another design project and build another hundred or two.

You people are arguing for "lack of ability to build them" like it's a commodity stamped by the thousands every day. Apparently it's not since there are ready to order designs. They are not being built because NASA is picky and sent all of them back to drawing boards for modifications.

Stockpile for needs at the ISS is apparently enough to not rush shit. Manned Moon mission is scheduled 2024 earliest. Process is on and is expected to interlock with every other part of machine in time, when it's needed.
@xianc78 @MatebaRespecter @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @white_male Even in the past 15 or so years there's been changes. Occasionally I have to take modeen college-entry level stuff for cert programs and it was at the level of late 2000s middle school tests.
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>The claim here is "THEY CAN'T", when in fact it's "THEY CAN, BUT DON'T"

Unused knowledge gets forgotten and unused skills atrophy. If you "can build something but don't" for several years then that turns into "can't build something but likes to imagine you can and wont admit it"
@udongle @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot Musk is quite ready to bang some out for NASA, with the help of all the NASA egg heads he poached.
@udongle @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot Besides, what does it mean unused in terms of space missions. You build shit once every 10, 20 or more years and keep stockpile until you run out. Then you update design, run the process again and sit on it while supplies last.

You talk about space tech like it's a commodity sold by the thousands every other week.
>Besides, what does it mean unused in terms of space missions.

It means all the people involved in design, manufacturing, testing, revised designs etc. that you need to build the rockets will have forgotten lots of important technical information or moved on to another job entirely and can't be used again (or have to be paid significantly more to come back (and spend time reacquainting with the new system)). It means your factories don't have their supply chains and feedstocks setup and maybe the Dies were destroyed or sold off and nobody knows why that one machine only works on that one outdated firmware that's only compatible with one type of program running on one deprecated version of windows and you have to either spend several weeks tracking down a retired boomer or several months replacing it entirely.

Building things is a process of managing people who have highly specific technical knowledge that can only be learned through years of experience with that process, and if you are not constantly paying people well enough to retain that information then it walks out the door.

>You build shit once every 10, 20 or more years and keep stockpile until you run out. Then you update design, run the process again and sit on it while supplies last.

That's the problem, nobody involved develops the skill set to be good at building and you end up with the SLS where you waste billions relearning how do everything from 60 years ago except it's worse and not even functional. Nobody except spaceX can even update the designs because they haven't been working on the designs long enough to know what's wrong, let alone have a management structure that allows them spend all the money updating it.

>You talk about space tech like it's a commodity sold by the thousands every other week.
I wish it was, instead it's mostly "artisanal" handcrafted projects made by completely new teams every few decades that consistently get worse because nobody knows what they're doing.
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@white_male @Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch
>We're more capable than ever

Even ignoring the fact that technology has been on a rapid decline in several fields since the 90's (try buying a printer that works for a month let alone a spaceship) They got bitches drilling holes and flinging shit in space stations because the satanic pedophiles that keep the world honking were too afraid of NASA tech to use them as fallout shelters for a nuclear goy cull. And when in recent history has China not rode on White's coattails?

A hypothetical meritocracy (Christian ethnostate) would have given us hovercars 40 years ago, and a colony in the Ass of Neptune, and it would never have enticed anyone on this thread that anything other than Ruby Ridge is a natural way to live.
@white_male @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @Nou @WashedOutGundamPilot Tech potential is about not getting jewed, making total collapse the only remote hope gay moon pods have of being real.

@nugger @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch I have a four step plan for solving our problems and getting back into space.

Step 1: Acquire total authority (most difficult part) Step 2: Deport Africans back to Africa Step 3: Revitalize Space Program Step 4: Deport jews back to Saturn (without lifesupport and on a budget)

@jhertzli @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch @nugger Libertarians and globalists aren’t people, but there is hope. Nerve-stapling both has proven extremely effective in culling their annoying population whose main accomplishments have been aiding and abetting the cultural, racial, theological/religious, and industrial decline of the West.

If you know of a libertarian or globalist in the soon-to-be post-jew world, refer to our “human” processing centers for assistance.

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