For all you overpopulation alarmists out there that are freaking out about 8 billion people, I just like to remind you these facts.

@xianc78 Those of us who aren’t niggers don’t want to live in pods urban shitholes while monoculture crops and pesticides destroy the last vestiges of beauty on this rock you doubleniggers haven’t managed to ruin yet.

@AnonymousBosch Read the second pic. There is plenty of room for ground level houses. We will also soon have seasteads which will make it possible to live on the ocean.

@xianc78 I’ll become a terrorist before I’ll let you niggers ruin the ocean too.

@xianc78 @AnonymousBosch Buddy, they can’t even build the suits for space anymore. Artemis is a pipe dream. For all our fancy shit, all those billions of dollars they’re patting themselves on the back for barely getting into low earth orbit.

Our space program is like a crackhead daydreaming about how he’ll surely get clean and succeed in life….any day now….you’ll see, he’ll be a doctor for sure!

@WashedOutGundamPilot @xianc78 @AnonymousBosch We'll reach the stars someday, but things need to get worse before they can get better. We need a cleansing.
@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @AnonymousBosch @WashedOutGundamPilot You will die and so will everyone else. Anything less than acceptance of this hard fact is mental jackoff.

@xianc78 @MeBigbrain @AnonymousBosch @WashedOutGundamPilot ending free food to Africa and ending aid to Israel while deporting jews to Israel and.. letting things go as they may..

there are a lot of things that are happening which we have no control over but serve to make people feel like there are too many people. the regime busting up White communities with non-White illegals and “refugees” doesn’t just break up communities and local solidarities, it makes the world feel smaller than it should as well.

and it’s documented that most of the “people” from the so-called third world, when they come to the first, consume vastly more resources after being brought here. the Sierra Club environmentalist group was staunchly for limiting or eliminating immigration for that very reason, until a jew signed a 100 million dollar check for them so long as they dropped the anti-immigration stance lmao.

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