Dear gamedevs: please stop hosting your communities on Reddit and/or Discord and get an actual forum. You player-base can cope with it, trust me.

@xianc78 Am declaring a fatwa on Discord, inshallah the pædo-troon furfags shall no longer devour what should be forums and wikis
@xianc78 @Tadano its where they keep the knowledge gathered from players in the discord and if you want access to the data you gotta join the discord, and well if they didnt want to get made fun of they wouldnt have a selfie channel.

@MasterSimper @Tadano Okay, that makes sense. I actually have noticed that with video game proto archive communities, even mods and hacks are distributed through Discord.

I've also noticed that people are using Google Docs in place of wikis as well, like these people can't even host a wiki on Fandom (which is already a bad choice in its own right).

@xianc78 @MasterSimper @Tadano it's zoomers being dumber with tech and trusting big name companies because it's all they know as well. Discord just also enables the antisocial behavior of zoomers, from letting you kick people from chats (and clearing history and having no ban reason) to bots like pluralkit.
@theorytoe @Tadano @xianc78 @MasterSimper I grew up before they did and actually used windows 9x and had to learn shit myself. Of course I also had absent parents, but smartphones are dumbed down even compared to winmo or early Android phones.

@theorytoe @Tadano @pawlicker @MasterSimper I still remember the days when people made it a big deal that they made a post on a device other than a PC. I can't count the many times I saw the "posting from my DS/Wii/cell phone/kindle/PSP/etc" spam.

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