Dear gamedevs: please stop hosting your communities on Reddit and/or Discord and get an actual forum. You player-base can cope with it, trust me.

@xianc78 Am declaring a fatwa on Discord, inshallah the pædo-troon furfags shall no longer devour what should be forums and wikis
@xianc78 @Tadano its where they keep the knowledge gathered from players in the discord and if you want access to the data you gotta join the discord, and well if they didnt want to get made fun of they wouldnt have a selfie channel.

@MasterSimper @Tadano Okay, that makes sense. I actually have noticed that with video game proto archive communities, even mods and hacks are distributed through Discord.

I've also noticed that people are using Google Docs in place of wikis as well, like these people can't even host a wiki on Fandom (which is already a bad choice in its own right).

@xianc78 @MasterSimper @Tadano it's zoomers being dumber with tech and trusting big name companies because it's all they know as well. Discord just also enables the antisocial behavior of zoomers, from letting you kick people from chats (and clearing history and having no ban reason) to bots like pluralkit.

@pawlicker @Tadano @MasterSimper I'm technically a zoomer (born 1998), but I still remember forums. I still remember hearing about Reddit becoming popular and absolutely hating it.

@xianc78 @xianc78 @pawlicker @Tadano @MasterSimper The old adage of "LURK MOAR" is forgotten, sadly. Even archiving a thread is somehow a bad thing.
I'd argue the reason archiving is seen as bad to social media addicts is also because to quote someone else, the internet (and culture as a result of forced change) has changed decades in the span of a few years. I mean look how pronouns went from being in Tumblr bios and laughed at to in your parents work e-mail. I mean 10 years ago this would be a skit satirizing hipsters by some YouTube channel, in fact I saw a CollegeHumor skit with the same exact premise:

Furthermore if you criticize the orthodoxy you are prone to being marked to have your life/career ruined by Twitter users. To make matters worse, plenty of NPCs have no real core values other than "what will make me get ahead in life/online". So some people will do this to try to whitewash their internet past for a new crowd or to avoid being fired.

Of course this also leads to hilarious situations. Let's look at one community I have knowledge with; the furry fandom. Zoomer furries will call you a zoophile in the same way Twitter addicts will call you a pedophile for liking anything anime if you like quadruped characters. Also not even 10 years ago, the biggest cartoon and online fandom was about literally just that (My Little Pony), and don't get me started on the Pokemon fandom and eeveeloutions.

So someone I know would go on the profiles of people who would bitch about it and tried to whitewash their profiles of it, find favorites on art sites of MLP or Pokemon porn, and share them to their friends with burner accounts and watch drama unfold. This sounds crazy, but furries will crusade over why people should be canceled for everything and then end up having "cancel" worthy shit in their history, and then give into the temptation of saying something instead of learning to shut up.
Smartphones happened, along with everything from the financial crash, the Big Bang theory normiefying "nerd culture", the rise of FB, Twitter, and Tumblr, and the infamous "Hackers on Steroids" news report.
The only thing that could fix that would be total smartphone death IMO, which you can make easier by refusing to use a smartphone or maybe even a flip phone for your job.

I know one guy on here would puzzle employers when he told them "nope I don't have a phone".
@Tadano @berkberkman @xianc78 @MasterSimper

my phone literally is a glorified ogg/flac player so if I could get that reliated to its own device I would be perfectly fine with a flip phone
@theorytoe @Tadano @berkberkman @xianc78 @pawlicker @MasterSimper my phone battery died so now i just leave it on my desk
if people need to contact me they eventually learn to use e-mail
im a student. if i were employed it might be more difficult, but im enjoying not having a phone.

@clora @Tadano @berkberkman @MasterSimper @pawlicker @theorytoe Enjoy it while it lasts, unless you can get a job that doesn't require installing some phone app.

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