I don't think the covid vax was made to kill people on purpose for population control or anything like that. That's an extremely normie take that makes other more reasonable theories about it sound more whack than they really are.

I just think that the people who created and pushed for the vax don't actually care about human life/happiness and care far more about turning a profit and controlling the narrative/market. It's never about the people, it's always about the money. If you think about it from that perspective, then purposefully killing people doesn't make as much sense as just not giving a fuck what happens to them.

It's funny that lefties will criticize capitalism to no end but then fall into its trap time and time and time again. All that's needed is a little bit of social conditioning.

It's crazy how many people did argue with me, that the vax went through enough testing, and they didn't get, why I said, that "decades of testing" was needed, especially for a new technology.

Some side effects do take decades to discover. It's not a conspiracy theory or a fucking rocket science.

@LukeAlmighty the testing that was done on it and why people say it was able to come out so fast is that there have been other types of coronavirus in the past, sometimes being the common flu. so they had something to build on, but even then the flu vaccines themselves have like a 50% efficacy all the time and some people still get sick because they get the flu shot (i know i have).

No new medical technology is ready to be deployed on the entire population.


@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy If you think the COVID vax is bad, wait until they mandate actual genetic modifications for climate change.


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