@branman65 @RealRaul Everyone likes to be "total nigger death this", "total nigger death that", until it's time for some actual nigger death. It's all just a larp to you? Give me one good reason why it wouldn't be for the best of everyone if Shaniqua took a trip to Planned Parenthood.
@branman65 @RealRaul No, it's not. It's a clump of cells that will eventually grow into your demographical replacement at best and a dope-slinging career criminal that will stab your child to death for their sneakers at worst. They already breed like rabbits and you say you don't want to put a stop to that because 'we are all human beans' ? Get real.
@jetzkrieg @branman65 @RealRaul How many White children are you willing to have killed for each black killed?
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul Zero. What part of "what race is it?" did you not understand? That means illegal for white women, legal and even encouraged for non-whites.
@Godcast @branman65 @RealRaul >"What if we had race specific abortion laws."
>"But we don't have race specific abortions laws!"

@jetzkrieg @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 Some people don't seem to understand that the laws can say whatever the fuck you want them to say.

@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's because there is only one true law and you don't need a state to enforce it.


The NAP is a globalist scheme to convince Christian-coded societies to not resist their fake and gay procedural coup because no matter how corrupt it is, it’s not technically “violence“.

By the time you properly define “aggression” to counteract the corruption, you get to shoot people for taking the last chip at your table in a Chili’s.

@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul

Took me a while to realize this. Its the same with libertarianism.

>be above average intelligence
>be White male
>not understand why others cant just behave and see the world like you
>imagine "if only we could properly explain it to them"

Sorry, but you cant explain to a lion that it shouldnt eat you when it gets hungry. You cNt explain to a gibs-me-dat nigger not take your shit and shoot you for the privilege. If your idea can only work with a White male heterogeneous population, your idea is shit it a pozzed race mixed America.

@Xenophon @leyonhjelm @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul I don't plan to do it in America. I plan to do it out in the ocean via seasteading.


And if you want a heterogeneous population, look up Hans Herman Hoppe and physical removal.

Once you realize that all politicians and political parties are just puppets of the shadow government and that voting will never fix anything, you will realize that anarchism is the only solution.

@xianc78 @Xenophon @leyonhjelm @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul >I don't plan to do it in America. I plan to do it out in the ocean via seasteading.

Make sure your seasteads are heavily armed and armored because the state will come for you.

@branman65 @leyonhjelm @caekislove @Xenophon @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul My point is that you need to do it off the coast of a country that won't harm you.

@xianc78 @branman65 @leyonhjelm @Xenophon @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul So relying on the goodwill of the state for security? Can't you just do that normally on land?
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