Premise of the video: Free thinkers should not reach the same conclusion or use the same phrases.

Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another?

@LukeAlmighty The largest chunk of self-identified "free thinkers" are cookie cutter pseudo-libertarians who just repeat the diammetrical opposite of whatever the shitlibs are quacking.
Compulsive idealists whose worldview is mostly fundend upon bad things happening for so reason outside of bad people being bad for no motive at all.


Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another?

I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky

Correct, you became a communist because of terrible flaws in your character.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
Lol shut up racetard, you're only good at cucking people to big buisness

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty Nigger, ask me for my opinion about Woke Capitalists and billionaire Jews, my final solution for those people is probably more extreme than yours.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I have already been told, point is, just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.
You can replace them with genetically engineered pure arianoid ubermensh for what matters, won't change shit, because the identity of those at the top is fucking irrelevant.
No muh white bourgeois cuckoldry

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.

Considering how the kikes are going out of their way to screw over straight White men in every way imaginable, even at the point of hurting their bottom line and undermining the rest of their political agenda, you're obviously full of shit. There's a difference between being motivated by greed, being motivated by greed and malice, and being motivated by malice AND a desperate desire to rape children (like Jews are).
commies believe very sincerely that they're working toward a future where they get to do jack shit and have unlimited access to everything they need and/or desire

the catch is that such a future, even if realized, won't make them happy and they'll keep killing each other -- but in the meantime they'll gleefully commit genocide in the name of pleasure
@DocScranton @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty 100 million deaths due to communism, yet those evil subhumans still insist we give it another go.
yeah muddying the definition of "killed" works too

@DocScranton @ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com @LukeAlmighty Considering that the black book of communism that you guys cite as a source was dismissed by it's authors and counted dead nazis invaders, soviet people killed by the axis and "missed births" as victims, it's only reusing the same methodology

@DocScranton @LukeAlmighty He can get unblocked when he stops quacking for help like a kiddo.

if it looks like you're being dogpiled it's because your views are so obviously flawed that everyone has burst into roaring laughter, at you; unlike you we do not cry to our discord buddies for help when we see an internet badman
@DocScranton @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty I didn't ask anyone to come dogpile this fag, just reposting his retardation was enough.

Also, I can still respost his shit and incite others to dogpile him even after being blocked, lol, in fact, DRC's blockbot partially exists to facilitate dogpiling of those kinds of users.

@ArdainianRight @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @DocScranton Using Tor while using Windows is like using a condom when you already have AIDS. Switch to Linux already!

@xianc78 @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @DocScranton
I ask which version of Linux I should try and Linuxfags always pick some obscure fork that I can't find any information about instead of something some normal person might ever try.

@ArdainianRight @moffintosh @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @DocScranton There is an elitist culture in the Linux community and people will shame you if you are not using Arch, Gentoo, or Slackware, but not everyone has to be a power user.

Just install Linux Mint and ignore everyone else's bullshit. I've been using Linux for over a decade and I never even bother with the more advanced distros.


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@hachi @xianc78 @ChristiJunior @DocScranton @LukeAlmighty @moffintosh
You think he's a Nazi because he doesn't want to pay for your HRT. Why would you think your opinion would mean anything to him?
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