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Added blue coins. They are worth 5 coins each.


Decided to add more rooms in the procedurally generated dungeons to add more variety. Sand rooms can now appear but they are functionally no different than floor tiles.


Replaced the copyrighted, placeholder tiles with my own.


Improved the wall tiles. It looks SO much better now. It's actually starting to look like a game.


Now, keys (using the coin sprite as a placeholder) are required to exit each floor.


Created a third enemy that shoots projectiles.


Added a shield item which reduces the damage the player takes by half.


Dungeon shops are fully functional. Though I will most likely move them to the center of their rooms and maybe add a merchant.


Rearranging the HUD.

(No video this time because I only need a screenshot to demonstrate)


Implemented pausing (something I have neglected for a while).


HUD now includes icons to indicated the items you have.


Added an alternate tileset. I plan on having the tilesets change, the deeper you go.


Dungeon now has alternate tracks for different floors.


Added an "ice level" tileset along with an accompanying track.


Added the fourth tileset. I have know idea what this is supposed to be.


Added a locked door that appears before each exit room.


Created a sand tileset. That appears in-between the snow tileset and purple tileset.


Added lives, including an extra life item that sometimes appears in the dungeon shops. I even plan on going so far as to delete your save file if you run out of lives.


Finally, the key is no longer using the coin sprite as a placeholder and now has it's own texture.


Created a texture for the extra life item. It looks kind of weird. I tried to make it look like a stick figure with a plus sign, indicating an "extra life", but it turned out kind of odd.


Finally added text on the game over screen. It's weird that I always neglect details like these.


Implemented saving and loading. Game saves automatically every time you enter a new floor, but you loose your save file if you run out of lives.


I'm thinking about what else to add. I could add more enemies, but I need to come up with enemy behaviors that don't require major reconstruction of the base Enemy class.

I don't know if I will add bosses because the player only equips a sword, which severely limits the potential for boss battles. Originally, I planned on having the player equip bombs for bomb-able walls, but placing such walls would've been difficult for the dungeon generation algorithm. Arrows and other projectiles seem kind of pointless. Either I limit the amount of arrows that can be shot/thrown, or I give the player unlimited arrows. The former would make it frustrating if the player was in the middle of a boss battle that required arrows and he/she ran out. The latter would effectively make the sword useless. That leaves only the boomerang as a possible second weapon.

Anyway, I don't plan on making this game grand or anything. This is really just a "practice game" for something I plan on making later on. That future game will have a much better dungeon generation algorithm.


Added a slime enemy that takes one hit to kill.

I plan on balancing the enemy placement, having the stronger enemies appear in later levels because right now there is no change in difficulty whatsoever.


Key and shield icons are now dark when they player doesn't have them, but light up when the player has them, instead of just appearing on the HUD when the player has them. The sword icon now indicates whether you have the wooden or white sword.


I got the credits implemented. Right now, it's literally the same as the credits in Distant Ruins because I used the same source files along with the credits.txt file from that game.


Adding the difficulty curve to the game by making it so that certain enemies only appear in certain levels. For example, for the first four levels, only the slimes and skeletons appear.


I'm now in the process of replacing the copyrighted assets with free-to-use assets or my own. So far, I only replaced the graphics for one enemy.


Replaced the BS Zelda skeleton sprite with one from Open Game Art, but it looks to small. I tried to look everywhere for 16x16 skeleton sprites and I can't draw my own, but this was the only one I could find.


@xianc78 it is inadequately proportioned in relation to the hero sprite. head is way too small. i'd lend you my skeleton sprites but they're 24x24.


@xianc78 i will say though, for just a free indie game i don't think it matters too much. slightly conflicting art styles is a given for things like that. the closer you can get it the better obviously, but that'll happen.



those look a lot closer to your proportions. it's $2.60 though and obviously not a totally open license. still pretty cheap though all things considered and it might look better.



@beardalaxy That sprite looks more suited for roguelikes anyway. The animation is also way too fluid, I could skip some frames in that animation, but the license is a huge deal-breaker. Codeberg requires me to put everything on an open-license.

The enemy doesn't have to be a skeleton. There is no mention of it being a skeleton in the source code and it doesn't throw bones or anything like that. I just used what made sense using BS Zelda's spritesheet as a placeholder. I also used BS Zelda sprites as placeholders because the size of the characters and tiles are the exact same.

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