>Received a new book on pixel art.
>Genuinely got excited.
>Realize that it's the indie pixleshit artstyle that doesn't even remotely resemble any retro console or handheld.


@xianc78 wait until you try to make an actual retro homebrew and realize every single piece of pixel art, "low poly" model, or chiptune aren't anywhere within the actual technical constraints of the original hardware.
@crunklord420 @xianc78 I wonder how many "retro" games that exist today is actually retro enough to run on actually super old/weak hardware and isn't isn't some skinwalker on Unity engine, etc.

@dedmos @crunklord420 Retro City Rampage, but that is literally an NES ROM running in an emulator.

@xianc78 @crunklord420 lol, expected that one as the answer, but I doubt there will be more

@Pawlicker @crunklord420 @dedmos Yes, but I'm pretty sure it's also just emulating the NES ROM.

@Pawlicker @dedmos @xianc78 Xeno Crisis is also a modern commercial Genesis homebrew.
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