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Made a beach/island/sandbar level. I don't know if I'm going to make more levels. Other than that, I just need to tweak some things, add music, replace the Spy Hunter sprites with my own or stock assets, give this a name, and then I'm done.

I'm hoping that my next game would be something more inspired.

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Added a sound effect when the player car spins out.

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Working on a credits sequence. It isn't that much because I'm the sole developer and I didn't use that many third-party assets (yet). I decided to add the tools I used to pad it out.

The credits are loaded from a text file with it's own simple markup format.

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Player car now spins out if it gets hit by spikes or shot by a limo.

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Working on a farm level now. I even have tiles for both corn and some sort of crop. I tried making an apple tree tile, but it ended up looking weird.

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Enemies now appear from behind. I still need to tweak the behavior. I'm trying to program them to catch up to the player when they appear from behind but they still behave oddly.

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Now, I'm experimenting with having randomly spawning enemies as opposed to predefined enemy placement in levels. It should help with the problems I had previously and also allow me to include enemies that appear from behind (which I haven't implemented yet).

I should also tweak the behavior of some enemies. Have them catch up to the player, if they attack from the side.

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Desert level is done. Created a forest level using the level editor.

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Now creating the second level using my level editor. This one is a desert level.

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Checkpoints can now be placed and deleted in the level editor. Note that these checkpoints aren't actually visible in game, only in the level editor.

The red part represents where the player will respond. The yellow part represents where the player needs to cross in order to reach it.

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Finally, checkpoints are now visible in the level editor.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.