Tried my best to add hair to the sprite. I still don't like it that much. I think I should redo the shield because is side walk-cycle has him swinging the shield but that's because the base sprite has both his arms swinging while walking.
And of course, I also have to reposition the sword during attacks. I might have to redo the sword sprite because it looks way to big for him.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Trying to replace the BS Zelda male avatar sprite with something that I own (well a modified version of a public domain sprite).
I'm not a good pixel artist when it comes to humanoid characters. I tried to get help on OGA's forums, but activity is too low on that place and I don't know anywhere else that I can get help. This probably won't be the final sprite, but I'm running out of options, and I want to get this game done so I can move on.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Added a delay after the player sprite disappears and before the level restarts. I kind of cheated by just copying the same transparent frame like 6 times just to give the illusion that there is a delay between the death animation finishing and the level restart, but the animation is still going up until the restart of the level.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Tried to make the "death whirl" animation in sync with the sound effect. Now, I realized that I need two delays. One before the player starts spinning (just to allow the mind to process that they got hit) and one for after the player disappears.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Finally found a "death whirl" sound effect for when the player gets killed. It took me forever to find one because I didn't know what it was called. Obviously it's not in sync because it's a stock sound effect that I just downloaded, but I plan to sync it in due time.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Added red coins after realizing that a lot of the shop items are too expensive. They are worth 10 coins each. I hope it helps.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Decided to get rid of the penalty of taking half of your coins when you die. I realized that this game is brutally difficult and losing money on top of your equipment just seemed way too harsh, so I decided to just have it reset your equipment to level 1 and leave it at that.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Added a "death animation" for bosses (actually for all enemies but I don't think it works well with them when I tested it) instead of just a single frame. There is supposed to be an additional frame but it doesn't appear in game.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Replaced the sprite of the bug boss with a sprite of my own. Now every boss is using original sprites.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Replaced the sprite for the teleporting wizard boss with a sprite of my own. Just one more to go!
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Replaced some of the copyrighted placeholder sound effects for items with stock sound effects. It's really hard to find any good ones, and these are the best I could find. The heart sound is a bubble sound effect because that's the closest thing I could find. The hearts in the Zelda games always made what sounds like bubbles or liquid, so I guess it fits.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
One of the bosses (the one that you are supposed to bomb) now has an original sprite. Previously, it was just a large version of the blue, darknut-like sprite which changed to yellow when bombed. Instead I made it a skeleton with armor and the armor disappears after being bombed, but reappears after being stabbed.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Rewrote (or had AI rewrite) the ending text to better fit the situation and the background.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Title screen now has music.
Title music is "RPG Lost In Time" by Hitctrl. (Released under CC-BY 3.0)
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
There is finally boss music. It was hard to find a good track because I don't want anything too epic as I might use that for a better game.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Ending and credits now have a background too. I was inspired by early fantasy RPGs like Final Fantasy 1-7 and the first two Ys games which featured a space background, despite none of those games (except FF4) taking place in space.
Space backgrounds are often associated with deep philosophical thought or the meaning of existence. Or maybe the protagonist is transferred to another world after starring into the mirror. I don't know. I just felt like the ending and credits screen needs a background too.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Boss now only appears after the player is out of the doorway and the trap-door closes. This prevents the player from leaving before the shutting of the trap-door.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Main menu now has a background. It honestly looks like the most professional thing I have ever made.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
Octorok-like enemies now shoot after walking a certain distance instead of being timer-based. SFML's built-in timers run with no way to pause which is why you often see them shooting when the player enters a room. This is honestly a better approach to this.
#gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiegamedev #indiedev #indiegames #indie #SFML #cplusplus
You can now purchase bombs which will increase your maximum bomb count.
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