Finally posted a resource request for a main character sprite on OpenGameArt. Let's see what happens. Hope this is useful in creating a new generation of RYF certified machines.
You can now jailbreak your AMD CPU! 🔥We've just released a full microcode toolchain, with source code and tutorials.
The UK government appears to have quietly scrubbed encryption advice from government web pages.
The change comes just weeks after demanding backdoor access to encrypted data stored on Apple’s cloud storage service
This is the world Democrats created. Those abortion pill babies went somewhere, right?
@beardalaxy It's just the littlest of things that affect your productivity. Having a clean room, not using the same location that you normally use for recreation, having to take breaks but not have those breaks go overboard, getting good exercise, etc.
@ooignignoktoo @coolboymew I never unlocked him. I just find him adorable.
Spent a little bit of time playing the old Alpha build of God's Disdain. Back when it was still "Kami no Keibetsu: God's Disdain." The build is from 2019. It's actually crazy how much it has changed since then. It looks and feels so much better now. I actually got a lot of work done from 2019-2024 in relation to how much I had done from 2015-2019.
The only thing I thought looked objectively better was the font, but I changed it because it was ripped directly from Animal Crossing Wild World and I obviously didn't have the rights for that.
The cool thing about God's Disdain though, is that since it is unencrypted, it is trivial to plop in whatever font you want! You can even take a couple extra steps to add it in to the options menu, even if you don't own RPG Maker you can open the plugins.json file and find the spot to add it in there.
@ooignignoktoo @coolboymew Hey look, it's me!
>I guess Musk is at war with someone who is using Twitter API
It's Nitter, a JS-free Twitter proxy.
Raw cow’s milk half gallon $4, raw heavy cream a quart $6. The ILSLEY Farm in Weare NH also sells homemade ice cream in the summer. Country living and fresh farm products are the best. Eat and drink healthy. #MAHA #LiveFreeorDie