What the fuck is wrong with these people? Who the fuck is paying over a thousand dollars for this?

This is the best I can do creating my own character. I just added hair to this public domain sprite, but the result looks like a middle aged man.



Added a delay after the player sprite disappears and before the level restarts. I kind of cheated by just copying the same transparent frame like 6 times just to give the illusion that there is a delay between the death animation finishing and the level restart, but the animation is still going up until the restart of the level.

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Tried to make the "death whirl" animation in sync with the sound effect. Now, I realized that I need two delays. One before the player starts spinning (just to allow the mind to process that they got hit) and one for after the player disappears.

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Finally found a "death whirl" sound effect for when the player gets killed. It took me forever to find one because I didn't know what it was called. Obviously it's not in sync because it's a stock sound effect that I just downloaded, but I plan to sync it in due time.

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Ironic coming from someone who hates Mastodon for the lack of algorithmic manipulation.


Added red coins after realizing that a lot of the shop items are too expensive. They are worth 10 coins each. I hope it helps.

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Decided to get rid of the penalty of taking half of your coins when you die. I realized that this game is brutally difficult and losing money on top of your equipment just seemed way too harsh, so I decided to just have it reset your equipment to level 1 and leave it at that.

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Well it looks like Codeberg is following the footsteps of SourceHut. I mean, I always knew that they would ban people for promoting Nazism, but at least that has a clear definition. "Far-right" is extremely vague and according to the highlighted text in the first image, it seems like they are standing against right-wingers in general. Are they going to ban people for having moderately conservative views, not being against capitalism, being pro-gun, or being into conspiracy theories? Given, that the CEO is also friends with Drew DeVault, this does seem likely.

It seems like this blog post was in response to some harassment campaigns against certain project maintainers, but the final paragraph is extremely vague. It implies that they might purge any "far-right" (or simply "right-wing") user off of their platform. Again, the CEO is friends with Drew DeVault who goes out of his way to eliminate anyone he disagrees with from the FLOSS community, including moderate right-wingers, even if they promote those views off-site.

At this point, it's probably best that you just self-host your projects, if you can.



Added a "death animation" for bosses (actually for all enemies but I don't think it works well with them when I tested it) instead of just a single frame. There is supposed to be an additional frame but it doesn't appear in game.

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I have ideas for power sources that these civilizations might use. There could be a fruit that is very electric. You know how some people make lemon batteries? Why not have a fruit that can actually be used as a practical power source and have these aliens farm them?

Or maybe free energy could exist in this universe. Many people believe that the Pyramids of Giza were actually ancient powerplants that tapped into energy from the ionosphere or the electric current flowing between celestial bodies (if the electric universe theory is to be believed). We can have alien civilizations using such technology. It fits perfectly with the combination of low and high-tech that this science fantasy universe provides.

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So I thought of a fictional currency for an alien species where the "money" is actual a form of energy that is stored in the body and can be transferred from one body to another. From a video game design stand-point, it's brilliant because it's an in-universe explain on how the characters are able to carry that much money.

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Something that I have noticed when it comes to science fantasy is that is is mostly combining medieval fantasy with space travel or steampunk with space travel. I'm all for a space wuxia or at least an alien civilization that resembles Ancient China or Asia in general.

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They'll just replace mandatory handicap parking with mandatory veteran parking.

Speaking of caves, I was thinking about having an alien race that builds everything in hollowed out caves, maybe in cliff-sides (like the Puebloans), or in completely underground caves. They probably might even hollow out asteroids, moons, and dwarf planets to make space stations. So imagine going inside a cave and seeing apartments, hotel rooms, restaurants, stores, etc.

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Now for something weird. I have always had dreams of finding stores and restaurants in weird places. In my dream game, I plan on having the in-game stores be corner stores or convenient stores, much like in Earthbound or Pokemon, but given the schizo tech in this science-fantasy universe, you would have basically modernized convenient stores in medieval, old-western, or even pre-historic styled buildings. So there will basically be rustic, wooden buildings with modern beverage fridges inside. You can even have a cave with one room of the cave being a modernized convenience store.

So basically just have old-style buildings with modern (or futuristic) appliances in them.

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Star Wars popularized wizards in space. I think we should also have witches in space. We can have alien witches flying between planets on their broom sticks.

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Gas Giant planets can have floating islands or even continents in them, kind of like the main setting of Skies of Arcadia.

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Another idea I had (which was already used in the Disney movie, Treasure Planet) is to have wooden ships flying between planets and stars. If certain alien species are capable of magic, then they can achieve low-tech space travel.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.