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Added a lives counter to the HUD (was there before but it was just text and I removed it when adding the health bar). Right now, the icon is a coin because I'm borrowing HUD assets from a previous game project which didn't have an icon to represent lives.

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The enemy now deflects bullets when facing the player and not attacking.

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Oh. It's that time of year again. Time to be lectured on the truth.

Tell me again, how are modern environmentalist different from Eco-fascists?


Tweaked the range to be more reasonable. Ideally it should be within stabbing distance.

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Got the enemy to attack when the player is at most, 4 tiles away from the player and is facing the player. Though admittedly, it should be lower. I was just testing the conditions and I will lower the range to make it more reasonable.

I also got the hitbox to change size during the attack, but that's not demonstrated in this recording.

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Added a new enemy. It attacks when in line of sight of the player. It still needs tweaking. The placeholder spritesheet has unequal sizes for the sprites.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.