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Added a potion. It fully restores HP. I also plan on having this being one of the items sold in the shop.

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Added a white sword. It takes twice as much damage. I plan on including "rental shops" where you can buy temporary items like this white sword and they go away if the player dies.

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Added music and sound effects. Though, music was technically added previously, but I muted the previous recording.

Background music is "Dungeon 05" by Beau Buckley, released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0.

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Multiple levels have now been implemented.

The second level is indeed a new one. The procedural generation algorithm made the starting room look like the ending room of the previous one.

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Added an exit tile (actually an object on it's own and not a child of the "Tile" class) that is randomly placed on each floor. Though it does nothing yet.

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This is why a fucking hate SQL so much. I need to create THREE TABLES just to implement tagging. At least, that's the "proper way". Not to mention all the JOINS and nested queries I have to do.

I should've used MongoDB for this project, but I feel like it's too late to turn things around.

* "Fire Biden" = 72 (Ordinal) / 54 (Reduction / Reverse Reduction)
* Jesuit Order = 72 (Reverse Reduction) / 54 (Reduction)

This news comes on February 25th, the 56th day in the year
* Society of Jesus = 56 (Reduction)

Ubisoft releases a Skull and Bones video game on the 47th day of the year.

Remember that Skull and Bones was the secret society that Bushes were a part of, and is located in Yale University. George H.W Bush was the 43rd vice president, George W Bush was 43rd president, and Jeb Bush was the 43rd governor of Florida.

Someone really needs to create a decentralized food delivery network.


Added hearts. There is a 25% chance that a heart will drop. HP does increase, but HP still has no effect right now.

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Can people please stop spamming full texts on here? I'm sick of these showing up in search results when I'm trying to search for unrelated things.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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