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Fixed the camera to make it center more on the player. It's not perfect, but it is a vast improvement.

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Enemies can now drop keys if set to do so.

I was also experimenting with tile colors. I thought a light blue/cyan would be an interesting color for the tiles. I was expecting a bathroom-like aesthetic but it ended up looking like an ice cave instead.

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I've changed the way how doors and keys work. Now you have colored locks and you need that colored key in order to unlock it (much like in Doom).

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Replaced the wood tiles with charcoal colored ones. Wood didn't look good mixed with the metal-like walls.

I've also changed the tile format for the levels. 1st digit is the tile type, while the 2nd digit is the tile that appears on screen. It broke compatibility with my level files, obviously, but it's worth it because now the tile maps are readable.

Also, the first level you see in this video was just some sample output generated from a procedural generated cave algorithm on the roguebasin wiki. I just converted it to my level format. It kind of looks without a cave tileset though.

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Replaced the Zelda tileset with my own. I even added an extra wall tile for forward-facing walls.

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Create a life capsule, which increases your max hp and a new enemy that takes 3 hits to kill.

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Rearranged the UI. The health bar is now on the left. Looks much more natural.

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Added an actual health bar. I probably should move it before the key counter because it looks weird the way it is right now.

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Added a second enemy class. This one takes two hits to kill, while the first one now only takes one hit to kill.

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Door now has a sound effect.

I've also realized that the way I'm storing assets in RAM is inefficient (I've actually knew that since the beginning but I haven't bothered to fixed it). I need to implement an asset manager class and have each object store pointers to said assets. Right now, each object stores entire textures/sounds when they should be storing pointers instead.

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Player position is now defined in the map file. The second line of numbers determines the player's x and y position (in tiles).

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Enemies are no longer hard coded into the map. They are now loaded from the map file. Ignore the enemy placement. It moved before I could take the screenshot. (My screenshot utility is probably delayed)

The first two numbers defined the level width and height.

The block of numbers are the tiles.

Everything after that are objects. They are listed by object type and then the x and y coordinates.

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I've added locked doors. Probably should create a better tile for them, but all tiles are placeholders (assuming I publish this game; this is merely me just getting used to object management in C++) as most sprites are from Zelda I and BS Zelda.

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I've added keys, which can be used to open lockdowns that haven't been implemented yet.

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