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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@ArdanianRight And, again, this is not a vaccine. Plus, there’s already talk that you’re going to need regular boosters. Look, it’s your body, do whatever you like. But don’t get smarmy about something that none of us know anything about. It’s new, untested tech and the pharmaceutical companies are not liable if shit goes sideways.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@allison @oxblood

Well the average person would probably not be interested in the nerdy topics that usenet carried, but eternal september happened.
xianc78 boosted
Seeing trannies shit talk the US is fucking rich considering they are dependent on the pig American system that mindfucked them into being

Like fir real, sit the fuck down you larping chomo fucks. You’re not revolutionary and the working class of this country hate you
xianc78 boosted
The Argentine government nincompoops say we're experiencing record new numbers of Wu Flu cases and we're in the middle of a "second wave". The parasites meet to come up with new restrictions. Can Argentina get more broke? Look at Venezuela; then Somalia. The answer is always "yes". On the plus side, considering how people have been reacting to this scam, I might live to see another revolt and overthrow of the parasites in power. Fingers crossed!
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
It can actually be really hard to be sympathetic to homeless people when they're everywhere. I'm sorry for saying it so bluntly. I would also rather solve the problem than move it out of sight.
xianc78 boosted
@ChristiJunior yeah. Antifa are the worst sadists, drug addicts, and sexual criminals in the world. just look at them and any sane person will be repulsed. the establishment uses them as shock troops to harass anyone who criticizes banks or questions mass immigration, and will do so until enough normies find out about Antifa or a better method comes along.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@ChristiJunior I actually care not at all if someone actually has no interest in sex. I just don't want to be browbeaten into playing pretend when it comes to obvious attention-seeking behavior.
xianc78 boosted
@ChristiJunior @coolboymew Uh oh. 76% Of Japan Console Sales In 2019 Were For Nintendo Switch - 87% of 2020 Japan console sales were Nintendo Switch - The PS5 Has Barely Sold In Japan Since Christmas - ‘Nintendo has practically eradicated PlayStation’ in Japan says analyst - The Switch Lite is outselling the PS5 and the Switch sits comfortably at #1 - This is brutal, bro.
xianc78 boosted
@coolboymew Imagine buying a console with literally no worthwhile exclusives at full price, nevermind paying scalpers way-above market price in order to get that useless paper weight early.

Sony Simps are something else...
xianc78 boosted

Also lol, Sony is not attending AGAIN

>Launches new console
>Nothing to show

All those first parties studios disbanding sure is coming in handy! Maybe they'll release The Last of Us reremastered!

But, thank god E3 is returning, last year was a goddamn disaster

>Multiple "E3s" and separate stuff going on
>Japanese and Wayforward indie devs conference, hell yeah
>They literally announced nothing
>"Hey guys, we have this E3-like event going on, it's going to be spread across 4 FUCKING GODDAMN MONTHS completely missing the point of what makes E3 and its conferences so great in the first place"

What a disaster
xianc78 boosted
@rasterman The SJW Lites always agreed with the goals of the SJWs, they just disagreed with (some of) their tactics. You'd have to be very stupid and/or naïve to not realize that they were Enemies.
xianc78 boosted
@ArdanianRight @ZeinVexx @mrsaturday @rasterman Friendly Reminder.

Hating Gab because Torba is a lying, incompetent, hypocritical scam artist and grifter who's probably selling out his userbase to the feds: Based

Hating Gab because it allows "racists", "sexists" and "homophobes" to post their opinions online: Fucking kill yourself
xianc78 boosted
@ChristiJunior @admin @mrsaturday E-celebs are fake and gay.

Now, let me tell you about how e-celeb A is better than e-celeb B and you're wrong if you disagree with my fair and balanced presentation. :3010:
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