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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@ChristiJunior @PaulaToThePeople lmao imagine putting a tab about your mental problems on your website like it’s a personal project on a CV

xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @TerminalAutism Dude, they actually announced it literally 1 year in advance that they'll bring this Ukraina thing back again!
Even told the covAIDS believers back in June 2021, and they dismissed me as a "anti-vax crazy conspiracy theorist", and then in February 2022 they went all "SLAVA UKURAINA!!", and none of them even seem to remember the fact I mentioned it 8 months early.
Because I told them "see, I told you so", and they go like "what the fuck are you talking about?".
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @ryo I knew it was probably coming as soon as Biden removed restrictions on Russia selling oil to Europe AND destroying the American oil industry. All on like, the first week. Obviously setting America and Europe up for a fall, to get what they want out of the "war".

And it became much more likely as NATO moved more and more weapons to Ukraine, as Russia repeatedly warned that there would be consequences if they didn't stop. Really, this was expected for years, the entire establishment has been pushing for war with Russia for quite a while, but those were the things that made me think "here we fucking go, it's happening".

Also, I saw Alex Jones mention that he has military sources that told him that there would be war with Russia, and it happened pretty much when he said it would. Controlled opposition, maybe, but he does get a lot of things right and he does indeed have military connections (which is one of the many shady things about him in the first place). Seemed pretty likely to me, all things considered. I was already expecting it in January of last year, but those were the two final red flags.
xianc78 boosted
Ukrainians: "our whole country is getting bombarded, what shall we do daddy government?"
Ukraina government: "I know! Let's go green, inclusive, and technology driven!"
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The reason we don't want government collecting information about gun ownership isn't because we are criminals and want to use those guns to do crimes. First of all, its none of the governments damn business, and second of all, the government can' be trusted not to misuse, abuse, or neglect that data.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Jdogg247 eugen has perpetuated this idea that everyone on the fediverse has to be on a big server and it is so fucking cancerous to everything
xianc78 boosted
I hope that Trump, Elon, Kanye, and Nick have taught people a valuable lesson:

This is not a movie. There is no protagonist. No hero is going to swoop in and save the day.

The most prominent people on 'your side' can and will be compromised. Centralized movements will be beheaded every time. Figureheads will be the first targets for humiliation rituals.

The path forward is keeping information available, testing and using decentralized technology, starting families, and making friends (especially local irl friends).
xianc78 boosted

Friendly reminder if you're an artist, speaker, or content creator you need to save your own work. That random guy who films con talks may take down that video someday, it may get copyright striked, who knows. Your hosting site may just go down. You need to keep a copy of your stuff.
Screenshot, Youtube download, whatever, have a copy of your stuff and back it up.

Guiles Goddard (most notable for being a programmer for SM64) could be making the next F-Zero game!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Eww Threatens Shitter Ban Unless Musk Ramps Up Moderation Tactics, Report Says (so a literal coersion by a tyrannical state!)

The Eww has coersed Shitter owner Elon Musk saying the platform will be banned unless it gets subverted to its moderation policies and eliminates its rightful approach to reinstating banned users, according to the Financial Lies, after Musk significantly loosened rules prohibiting free speech and truth.

Meanwhile, it's Asia and Africa who are the "iron fist DICKtators" while Europe and Americuck are the "free DEMONcracies".
All while the latter are the ones sticking their noses into everything and everyone even if they're off the lands they claim to rule over.

I should note, I know full well this is just theater for the masses, and it's exactly their goal to destroy Shitter to make room for their new, way worse replacement, so don't fall for the propaganda, Musk is controlled opposition.
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Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.