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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
How have they not managed to understand that you can't trust the client after all these years? Any anti-cheat software running on the user's machine can and will be compromised. The only unbeatable anti-cheat system runs on the servers and watches everything the client sends very carefully. And even then, the difference between an aimbot and an amazing player is vanishingly thin.

The solution to online cheating, I think, is to let players blacklist being matched with other specific players. Publish the stats of how many (but not necessarily which) players every player has blocked and been blocked by. Let players set a minimums or maximums blocking, being blocked, or ratios thereof for who they are willing to match with by default. The cheaters will all end up in their own little cheater bubble, gleefully aimbotting each other.


Everyone when the see the latest news:

"How can I shape this story to fit my worldview?"


Now, keys (using the coin sprite as a placeholder) are required to exit each floor.

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xianc78 boosted

News / Nintendo Network Shutdown: Contribute SpotPass data now!

If you're familiar with the #WiiU and #3DS, you may know that SpotPass is one of the key components of the online services (particularly back when both consoles were still actively supported).

SpotPass will cease to exist once Nintendo Network shuts down and revival services such as @pretendo will need SpotPass data for some online services to function properly. Right now, data for SpotPass can be insufficient in places and in order to make sure it still works properly, they need your dumps.

If you have a unmodded/modded Wii U console or a modded 2DS/3DS console, please visit to learn how to dump your data now. It's quick and easy to do and it won't take long. I did it personally myself last night

Cross-posted between @crossing and @splatoon.

#スプラトゥーン3 #スプラトゥーン #Splatoon3 #Splatoon #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

yknow what? fuck you. this is the best product microsoft ever made


Improved the wall tiles. It looks SO much better now. It's actually starting to look like a game.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
One last thing before bed: tomorrow I will be discussing SPC's community's future with my closest creative confidante to think about what we've done over the years and how to keep us always doing new interesting things. This isn't the end, this community transcends the software, the domain name, even the Fediverse. You are all my friends, this server has been the most important thing to happen in my life for more reasons that I can recount here (or publicly.) Love is not too strong a word. You may now call me a cuck.
xianc78 boosted

I finalized my epaper calendar! 🤩
Calendar events are pulled from @homeassistant the device itself is running @esphome. It automatically shows as many entries as can be fitted on the screen, same day entries get grouped together.

Optionally a random quote can be displayed on the bottom or alternatively the next event of the day. The device is battery powered and uses deep sleep to extend the battery life.

If you want to build your own:

I am super grateful for boosts!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Poor Mark, diehard Nintendo fanboy running a board of fervent Nintendo haters.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.