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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
I have a hypothesis that all of the "smallpox" cases of 200+ years ago would be survivable today with clean water and heating/aircon. sanitation has probably done more to stop disease than medicine.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I'm entirely anti-vax now. Looking into the weird/mythical history of Smallpox vaccines and how ineffective things like flu shots are (I'd never get them anyway because they'd cause incredible arm pain, both the single and combined shot) and learning about how adjuvants work ... yea I'm not getting another "vaccine" for the rest of my life. I think for children, at a minimum, we should go back to the original 10 from the 1980s at most ... but I also think you could get rid of all of them and long term, you would see healthier children.

Think of it this way, imagine saying, "Hey your kid doesn't have to go outdoors to exercise, we have this better scientific steroid shot now. It's better. They can stay indoors and grow muscles."

That's crazy, right? Well that's vaccines ..and even baby formula was marketed as this new better-than-breatmilk sciency thing. It's hubris.

xianc78 boosted

UBI would only ever work in Star Trek world: a world where there is infinite cheap power, instant atom level recycling and zero resource scarcity.

Real UBI would be much more like The Expanse and less like Star Trek.

Just because COVID was the largest psyop and authoritarian litmus test the world has even seen, doesn't discredit what it showed us specifically about modern monetary theory, a.k.a just printing money.

Money has to represent some value. When you hand out that much of it without exchanging value, the rest in circulation looses value.

xianc78 boosted
I'm not in favor of UBI generally, but this is a misunderstanding of what happened during Covid.
Yes, "stimmy checks" were handed out, but there was a lot of other insane (& criminal) financial engineering going on.
Using policies to shut down small businesses to give large players a de-facto monopoly has also enabled a lot the problems.

I understand the point you're making but it's a pet peeve of mine when people blame inflation entirely on low-income recipients when there was a lot of
fraud and outright financialized looting going on.

I do agree with your primary point though, I would just suggest pointing to "government taking direct control of the economy" rather than the mere handouts which were only a bribe to enable much worse pillaging.

xianc78 boosted

Imagine still promoting UBI after witnessing first hand how much all the free COVID money fucked the economy.

xianc78 boosted

"The misnamed Libertarian Party is a co-opting mechanism by which the State brings misguided opponents into supporting a tentacle of the State."


xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Tags: quote, al_gore, bad_predictions, climate_change, environmentalism, global_warming
Source: The booru is down for now
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xianc78 boosted
@Flick @Autumn

Not to mention the constant warnings of nuclear war and nuclear winter.
xianc78 boosted

the last 100 years has seen the greatest de-skilling of self sufficient skills in history.

the average person is completely depended on the state, and corporations for everything they need to live on a daily basis.

many people get mad about "you will own nothing, and be happy" without realizing they are 90% there already.

we should know how our technology works, and how to repair it.
we should know how our food is grown, and how to grow at least some of it.
we should know how to make at least some of the things we use every day.
we should not let distant politicians choose for us.

if you really see what i am talking about, you will know how vast the matrix is, and how overwhelming it seems to get out.
start with one thing. get soverign to the best of your ability in one area. just one.
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