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xianc78 boosted

An SQL injection bug that lets you bypass airport security and even JUMP SEAT. Sure. This is great. I’m not having a heart attack or anything. TSA response is definitely also chef’s-kiss. *breathes into a paper bag*

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Maybe if Mastodon wasn't so uptight people would flock to it.
But instead they'd rather welcome all of Brazil with:
- Make sure to alt-text everything you post!
- Sorry, but arbitrary topics need a content earning
- You can't talk to those servers over there, not even that .art one
- Banned for spreading anti-NATO misinformation


xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
I think #SilentPayments are a very meaningful and important privacy improvement for #Bitcoin, and it would be great to see greater adoption in wallets.

h/t @sethforprivacy @lightcoin
xianc78 boosted
But what is the psyop about?
In my opinion, it's about raising Durov as a false savior and making big tech (lite) organizations out to be heroes.
With all the scams on telegram I would say pushing people there is like leading lambs to a slaughter.

xianc78 boosted

The absolutely insane way I've copied my Gentoo Linux install from one machine to another ... to another .. since 2012 (with a make.conf I made in 2004),

I've had this guide as a set of random notes I've used for years. It's kinda a mess, but I wanted to finally get it published before I try switching over to zfdbootmenu and a zfs root.

I'm starting to think that this Telegram CEO crap is just some publicity stunt/psyop. As I have stated multiple times, both Telegram and ProtonMail are honeypots and are not to be trusted, both thriving on the fact that most people don't know how encryption (especially E2EE) truly works.

Anything that doesn't allow you to encrypt messages client side before sending to the server should not be trusted.

xianc78 boosted
The road to #6G wireless networks just got a little smoother. Scientists have made a significant leap forward in terahertz technology, potentially revolutionizing how we communicate in the future.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
DOJ vs Missouri 2nd Amendment Preservation Act: Round 2, Feds Win
The feds just won round two against Missouri’s 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. But here’s the kicker - they didn’t say it’s unconstitutional for what it does, but for the words it uses. In this episode, get a full breakdown of what happened in the Eighth Circuit - and the very clear path to liberty going forward.

Path to Liberty: August 30, 2024
xianc78 boosted
The Banjo-Kazooie decompilation project reached 100%
xianc78 boosted
This article explores the stances of various U.S. presidents on sound money, offering insights into how their policies impacted the nation's financial health.
xianc78 boosted
Ukraine has nothing to do with the interests of the Western public, nothing to do with the security of Europe and nothing to do with the economic advancement of the United States.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

If you type "Forest on the Moon" into an AI, text-to-image generator, it will generate a picture of a forest on the moon...with the moon in the sky.

xianc78 boosted

💡 Did you know? You can change the system time on Haiku by dragging the hands of the clock in the Time preferences panel.

xianc78 boosted
Telegram, the honeypot.

Telegram is probably one of the most effective government-corporate honeypots I've seen in the last decade because both free software enjoyers and security nuts believe to some extent it's secure and or free, when it's not.

I've even seen people on Trisquel forums believing that Telegram clients are free software because they go to a Github repo, check the license and see it says "GPL 3.0".

I'll explain why this is false and why the license is void, and this should be more proof that Telegram is not only proprietary but deliberately deceptive and why I define it as a honeypot because of such.

Okay, let's assume you're enough software literate that you understand how software is made, and you're a free software enjoyer. So what you do? You decide to compile the client yourself because the repositories on whatever GNU distribution you're using do not have it (and you'll find out why right now).

Let's check the Telegram docs to do this:

Building Telegram client for GNU desktop (only on documented for Docker, lmao):

> Obtain your API credentials
> You will require api_id and api_hash to access the Telegram API servers.

Hold on, what does that mean? Let's read further:

> To build your version of Telegram Desktop you're required to provide your own api_id and api_hash for the Telegram API access.

Okay, so to get a functional client I need to request these keys... This on itself should be enough suspicious, but let's expose it further and what requirements they impose to get these granted:

> In order to obtain an API id and develop your own application using the Telegram API you need to do the following:

> Sign up for Telegram using any application.
> Log in to your Telegram core:
> Go to "API development tools" and fill out the form.
> You will get basic addresses as well as the api_id and api_hash parameters required for user authorization.
> For the moment each number can only have one api_id connected to it.

Okay, so in order to get a functional client, you need a pre-compiled client provided by them or an authorized dev, get an account, fill a form and wait for them to review it and decide whether you're worthy of this privilege or not. On top of that, these API credentials can be revoked at any time after compiling clients, so any client that has these credentials will get bricked if they decide to revoke permission.

This, arguably, breaks freedom 0, the freedom to use the software for any purpose (and the sole purpose of this software is to connect to Telegram servers to communicate), and it could even be very much considered a form of digital handcuffs (DRM) which the GPL forbids implementing (unless you can trivially break it, which is not the case given the server is the authority and enforcer here).

Therefore, since freedom 0 is abused, the license is void and this codebase can't be legally protected by GPL, making these clients proprietary.

This is why I think Telegram shouldn't be distributed by F-Droid, the only reason they consider Telegram free is because they got these API keys granted and they're gripping tight on technical definitions to distribute it. But this is blatantly dishonest and not described on their disclaimer warnings, they say the software has anti-features, but not that you can't even get a functional build compiled if you do it yourself.

Stay away from Telegram, and stick to XMPP or email+GPG.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.