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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Roger Ver’s story is a reminder of what happens when you dare to challenge the system. Here’s a man who has spent his life advocating for financial freedom, yet he now faces 109 years in prison.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Does anyone seriously believe the official narrative on this bullshit?
xianc78 boosted
The newly released 2025 Sound Money Index has identified Wyoming, South Dakota, and Alaska as the states with the most favorable policies toward constitutional sound money, while Vermont, Maine, and California take the most hostile stances.
xianc78 boosted
I think why the government is so obsessed with regulating AI is because they're already using it and know what it can do at scale and are scared to death of it being used against them
xianc78 boosted
@c Silksong is gonna be a monumental flop because the market for indie metroidvania platformer games doesn’t exist anymore
xianc78 boosted

If anybody is wondering this advert is real, it’s running in San Francisco.

The company is called Artisan. If you google them, all the reviews are horrible and suggest they are a scam company.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
There can’t be a global currency reset without the dollar being demoted. There can’t be a reset without a reversal of the old Bretton Woods system. They know it, and they aren’t going to warn the rest of the public about the consequences.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

As a voluntaryist, I can honestly say, this one has me stumped.

xianc78 boosted
Trial by Jury - Thomas Jefferson considered it “the only anchor ever imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”

Jury nullification makes that possible, which is why the government doesn’t want us to know, learn, or use it.
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 based discord disrespecter
everyone ever involved in the development of that platform can burn in hell

And let me just say that I honestly don't care about either side, but I think making an entire video game about the whole drama and using it to attack someone is going a bit too far, IMO.

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So I have been out of touch with the YouTube ancap community for a while now, but apparently Mr. Dapperton released a game on Steam made to attack and mock Esoteric Entity as it is a game about killing furries, including sprites made to look like his rantsona.

And for those of you who are unaware. Esoteric Entity is a highly controversial ancap/voluntaryist Youtuber, best known for making videos on mass shootings such as Parkland and Christchurch being hoaxes along with being involved in some vaporware meshnet project known as "Fnet". He got into some feud with Dapperton and a bunch of other users on Discord around 2018/2019, including some doxings and pedo accusations, but I don't know the full-extent of it because I don't use Discord.

xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @anemone @djsumdog @teratology A few months back I visited a local museum. They had artifacts from some of these clubs that were local to my area. They not only covered medical expenses, but they would take care of widows and orphans when a member died.
xianc78 boosted

Remember Friends:

You cannot both have secure end-to-end encryption to protect your communication AND also have a backdoor/key/access only for "the good guys."

This is not possible.
Do not believe anyone telling you otherwise.

End-to-end encryption protects us all,
we must fight to keep it ✊🔒

#Privacy #Encryption #E2EE #RootForE2EE

xianc78 boosted

Assuming browsers actually had mainstream support for it, would #IPFS or #Webtorrent be better for displaying large (static) media?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.