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xianc78 boosted
@adiz @lispi314 @pup though to a lesser extent its irrelvant because these extremists deny that they are even doing actions. an ethical framework requires acknowledging that you are doing it, and then defining if its good or bad to do that.

it cannot really be said they are actively being either of the two because they deny that they even doing what they are doing. which makes it the worst. shrug.
xianc78 boosted
@lispi314 @adiz @pup deontologists are okay but it really depends on what the set duty is. they can end up being terrible people since they are only concerned about maintaining the duty (the consequentialist could decide that disobeying the duty is optimal, assuming their moral calculus is reasonable)

virtue ethics is just dead, overall. nobody does that.
xianc78 boosted
@lispi314 @adiz @pup i don't like consequentialism. it is just the dominant ethics set of the times.
xianc78 boosted
@lispi314 @adiz @pup thats the insidious part about it. they have rendered themselves incapable of understanding what they are doing.

people try to explain it to them and they do not acknowledge that they are doing it and then proceeding to defend it. it is simply spacing through the empty void in their heads.
xianc78 boosted
@lispi314 @adiz @pup

> Untold evil in the pursuit of a good is /by virtue of its consequences/ evil (regardless of the original intent, the consequences are the point), particularly when the net outcome is vastly increased amounts of suffering rather than any amount one might consider "equivalent or lesser".

consequentialist and utilitarians do not have virtues. they have a calculus of world state and whether one world state is better than another.

in increasing degrees of brainrot extremism, they do not consider "people i don't like" to be "people," so that calculus assigns suffering to negligible. it is only evil if the world state score decreases and i can just classify people i don't like as furniture.

which, is what historical communist extremists have done (lenin, stalin.)

> Only the impractical fools.
well, that's who runs things now (cf. nixos, python, opensuse, opendesktop, fedora)
xianc78 boosted
@lispi314 @adiz @pup
> How does that have anything to do with making technology into malware that abuses the user?

its fundamentally an issue of virtue ethics vs consequential ethics.

the virtue ethicist says that imposing decisions on the server admin is unvirtuous, so even if the intent is well intentioned the action is impermissible.

the consequential ethicist is not concerned. nazis bad, so anything that imposes that belief on others is good. killing an unlimited number of orphans is good if it results in one nazi dying.

my main issue with that crowd is they don't even have the presence of character to acknowledge they are naked consequentialists. if you read the tickets, the dev actively sidesteps and denies that they are making decisions for people at all and has an unlimited supply of copes that "we're not doing anything, we're just hurting nazis" as though the means they are intending to do so psychologically don't exist at all.

the everything is political crowd tends to oxidize people that want to just make tools (because the tool isn't being designed specifically to *their* own ends.) they also tend to be completely blind and unwilling to acknowledge what they are.

since one of my deepist maxisms is to always know what you are, this doesn't work well for me :cat_sad:
xianc78 boosted
@adiz @pup i mean i fundamentally agree that technology exists for the user. unfortunately the "everything is political" crowd has generally won the culture war.
xianc78 boosted

@pup I'm using FunkWhale to record and stream DJ sets of local artists in Shanghai. My company says they might fork FunkWhale to remove this hard-coded crap because it's such an insult and slap in the face that developers would dictate upon the users how the software ought be used---what music you ought be able to listen to or share. It's the principle of the matter. @icedquinn

xianc78 boosted
@pup virtue ethics have been dead for decades. most people will passively ignore this and if you do bring it up they will just cope out "oh well it didn't affect ME yet so its fine"
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Status update on the embedded research lab.

I've got 4 modems and 3 power wires. I have space and power for up to 16 modems.

To the far left there's a fuse panel connected to a relay block. I'm using the normally-closed terminal so I power a relay to turn a modem OFF, which makes sense because it's meant for a hard reboot.

I severely underestimated the amount of wire I would need, so I only ran 3 lines off of the relay block - I'll clean up those wires when I have all 16 run.

White twist-ties are also temporary until I get another batch of zip ties.

The fuse block has only a single 14 AWG positive going in, but has 18 3 amp fuses. A 14 gauge wire can only carry (max) 20 amps, not 54. I'm not going to pull 3 amps per line, but 2 amps is realistic and that's 36 amps, which is also the max output of the power supply. My main positive and negative lines are 3x 14 gauge wire each, so no problem there, but the fuse block is the Achilles Heel.

The modems are slid into a dish rack, it just happens to be exactly the width of a typical modem...
xianc78 boosted

Biggest update since GNU/Linux

Apparently, both the US and China are in a race to see who can build the most efficient network of satellites that generate solar power, but it's all a scam.

Neither the American nor Chinese government will admit that you can generate unlimited free energy from the Earth's ionosphere as what Tesla tried to do or what the Ancient Egyptians or whoever built the Pyramids of Giza did (that was it's true purpose).

xianc78 boosted
Two Goddesses...
Six Priests...


And one presumed-canonical love interest (especially given how excited she is to see Adol again when he returns to Esteria during Dawn of Ys - she's also supposedly chasing him across Celceta during Mask of the Sun).
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xianc78 boosted
CERTIFIED DSP MOMENT: Silly me, I forgot to equip the Goddess Ring to my item slot, so I marched into battle armed with... the Silver Harmonica.

How embarrassing.

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xianc78 boosted
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xianc78 boosted
ALL the Cleria gear.
ALL the magic power.

We're set.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The fated duel with Dalles... yeah, I'm basically set for the end of the game at this point, though I'm feeling more like going back and wrapping up my EXP grinding - I know my stats really aren't going to get any better than this, but they're giving me the option to max out my EXP, sooo...

Won't be long until the Darm fight, at least.
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xianc78 boosted
Forgetting to save after gaining levels during a grind and carelessly letting yourself get killed once or twice certainly adds to the amount of time you spend fucking around in the game...

...anyway, this scene always manages to deliver some chills.
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